30 September 2012

Jack - 4 months

Jack is 4 months old!

He is cute and usually very happy!  He loves his sister and his grandparents.  He likes going to cousin Maddie's every day.  He giggles and talks a lot.  He's started to turn circles in his bed at night, but doesn't quite roll over.  He tries really hard to sit up on his own and likes to do these sit-up things in his car seat, trying to see the world around him.

On days when I pick him up from Maddie's, he is so excited to see Molly when he gets in the car.  They both giggle at each other all the way home.  Molly often mauls him, but recently he has started getting revenge by grabbing a fist full of her hair when she gets too close.  She cries.  I just tell her sorry, but she should stop bugging him.

He eats his hands constantly.  My mom thinks he may be getting teeth in, but I've yet to feel or see any.  He is just really hungry.  He goes to the doctor this week and will likely be okay-ed to start on cereal. Maybe that will help.  I'm interested to see what he weighs.  He is a tank (especially compared to his new cousin and 2nd cousin, who both have way more hair than he does).

1 comment:

Brooke Imlay Scheurer said...

Wow. Did you just post a bunch in one sitting, or have I missed a lot?
Either way, good posts. And I do hope that your Jack is like my Elsa. Well behaved children make life so much easier.