It was way after 11:00. We needed milk. There were triangular flags strung across the entire parking lot. There were American flags on the roof. I wondered what was going on. What was inside? I moved into the turn lane. James said, "Oh my land, I can't believe we are actually doing this."
Yes, we did it. We went to Wal-mart. Ahhhhhhhhhh . . . . .
We went inside. Got the gallon of milk. Some woman screamed down aisle 11. We made it to the check out stand. I asked the checker what was going on with all the flags. .
"We had our grand re-opening on Wednesday."
I asked, "What's new besides the new paint outside?"
She replied, "They rearranged things and did a new floor."
In other news . . .
I am making James watch "The Graduate."
In other news . . .
Since taking a job at Murray High School, I can't tell you how many times I've been asked about you know who . . . THE David Archuleta. Well, for all of you who have asked, I finally have some news. Apparently, David Archuleta showed up at the fall choir concert on Tuesday night. Here is a compilation of the conversations I had with several students on Wednesday.
Student: "Mrs. Bing did you hear that David Aruchuleta was at the choir concert last night?"
Me: "No I didn't. That's cool. Did he sing?"
Student: "No. He was just there to hear the madrigals sing."
Me: "Did they make a big deal about him."
Student: "No, but a bunch of girls ran around him screaming."
Me: "Why doesn't he go to our school."
Student: "He's home-schooled."
Another student: "He still lives with his parents, though."
Yet Another student: "He doesn't want to cause a scene at our school, so he can't come here anymmore."
Yet again Another student: "He lives down the street from me."