07 October 2010

Beauty Parlor

Before Molly got in the bath tonight, I decided to play with her hair. I'm pretty sure that by the time I had this much hair, I would have thrown a fit if my mom tried to do something like this, but oh well.

After the bath, she was back to her regular curly q's.

03 October 2010

My Dad!

Yep, it's Molly again. I realized that my mom doesn't post much on this blog about my dad. So, I guess I'll have to do that, too. Do I have to do everything around here?

This is me and my dad. I love him! He is really busy lately with his new job and everything else he does. He works really hard for us. He gets home late and I go to bed early, so sometimes I don't get to see him much. When I do see him, though, I always smile! I just don't like it when he gives me baths because I always end up crying. I don't know if he sprays water in my eyes, pinches me, pulls my hair, or what, but when my mom gives me baths I never cry. Otherwise, though, I really like my dad. He blows on my belly or folds me in half to get me to burp and it makes me laugh. Plus, everyone says I look like him.

This weekend my dad has been in St. George doing army stuff. He's in the National Guard. My mom told me that yesterday he said he might have to be deployed next June. We sort of knew it was coming, but now it's pretty much unofficially official that his unit is going to Iraq then. I don't even know where that is, but my mom says he was there before and he just calls it "the desert." Even though they say on the news that the troops are leaving Iraq, I guess they are still sending more. Mom said that it is probably safer than Afghanistan, though. If he does go, I'd be 1 whole year old when he left and I'd be 2 whole years old when he came back. That's a long time. I'm just little now.

My mom said not to say much about it because a lot could change before then. My dad would really like to become an officer and be a nurse in the Guard, but he stopped working on that project while he was trying to find a job. Maybe he can keep working on that some more now.

Also, my mom said that it's just part of the deal. She married my dad knowing that this could happen, so we just have to deal with it. June is a long ways away, so my mom and I are not going to worry about much now and just keep enjoying my dad when he's with us. (We do need to work on his giving-me-a-bath skills, though.)

All dressed up and nowhere to go