10 September 2011

Friday Nights

Friday night Hunter played a game against Davis on Weber State's field. It was a late start 8:00 p.m. game and then lasted forever. The first quarter took almost a whole hour and Davis outscored Hunter 28-0. After that, it did speed up a little and Hunter finally scored twice in the 4th, with failed PAT's, but ended at a more respectable 28-12.

To overcome that last three losses, the coaches switched things up quite a bit this week. The two big defensive players are now playing both ways and the former left tackle (Willie) is now back at his former little league position, center. My mom said he was super nervous switching spots, but he did a good job last night.

Hunter is really struggling this year. I don't know that much about football. I can't dissect it and tell the coaches and players (through the internet, of course) what to do like I can with a basketball game. They have a new coach and Willie seems to be having a lot more fun playing than he ever has before. It seems to be a real positive experience. The coach seems gutsy and very disciplined, which I admire. A head-case kid is suspended. Players who are tardy to class do extra up-downs and stadiums. Last week when the seniors weren't cutting it, he put in more sophomores and even a few freshmen. It seems like the program is going in the right direction and positive things are happening. As a teacher, I like that. As a sister of a good kid who's on the team, I like that. Now I just wish they could score some more and win one. . . . I think it will come.

Whatever the outcome, Molly sure looks cute in her new Hunter shirt (made by her crafty Aunt Annie, of course)!

06 September 2011

Labor Day Posting Follow Up

We found Molly's shoes!

She didn't throw them away. They were buried under of pile of stuff in the kitchen. Good girl, Molly. Thank you for not throwing your shoes away!

They really are wearing out, though, and too easily pulled off her feet. We'll keep the new ones.

House Update - Shelves, Molding, Stucco

We have shelves and door moldings. (This is the pantry)

The stucco on the front of the house has been started, though this is nowhere near the brown color it is supposed to be. (I don't know anything about stucco, but I hope this is some type of gray primer coat.)

The siding is now complete on all three sides of the house.

We also have real stairs and not scary 2x4's.

I think they are probably pretty close to painting this week. We'll see. There are closet organizers in each closet and those are only partially installed. The door moldings are also only partially installed. Do floor moldings come before carpet?

05 September 2011

Labor Day Weekend

James, Molly, and I had quite a nice labor day weekend. We did our fair share of laboring around our house and running errands (and a ton of school work for me), but it was nice to finally have a weekend to just do nothing. I can't remember the last time we did that.

Thursday night James and Jarrell went to the first Utes Pac 12 Season game. The Utes pulled it out, but aren't actually looking too good. It's a little scary. After Molly and I finally got home from a marathon afternoon of JV football, traffic, and picking new counter tops, we hung out with Grandma and Grandpa Binggeli all night and had a good time.

Friday night we went to the Hunter game. I haven't blogged about football, yet. Willie, my brother is a junior at Hunter High School this year and the starting left tackle. Earlier in the summer I asked him, "If you are a starter, does that mean you're actually good or that your team is really bad?" Some may think that was a mean question, but I just thought I would ask an honest question. He said (and chuckled), "I don't really know." I think he is good. He hasn't been taken out of a game yet. It is hard to watch him on every play while wrestling with a 1 year old, but when I watch him, he usually creates holes and "holds" his guy pretty well. A couple of times someone has gotten through on his side and that tells me that he's not perfect, but he is most definitely the smartest and most handsome kid on the field. He seems to be actually liking football a lot more this year, but they are now 0-3 and need to figure out how to win! Maybe this week will be the week! (picture stolen from my mom)

Saturday we sort of cleaned our house, though I've pretty much given up on that concept all together since we will be moving soon. My house is generally clean . . . bathrooms get cleaned, sheets and clothes get washed, dishes are done, and the floor gets wiped down. Other than that, there are piles of stuff everywhere and I haven't seen my entire kitchen table in months. We just sort of move piles around as we need to. Every time I think, "oh, my house is a cluttered mess," I soon have a second thought "but in a few more weeks you'll have much more room to put all this crap, so why find a place for it now?" We also went to run some errands including Lowes, Ikea, and measuring windows in our new house.

Sunday we went to church. I played the piano in the Spanish branch. I am starting to finally pick up on some Spanish church words. I finally said the opening prayer in sacrament after having to cancel two other invitations to do so. James gave a lesson on appropriate dating to the teachers and priests. Molly was really good in Sacrament meeting, but then during relief society had her first bad alone experience in nursery. She's not quite old enough to go, but we have been in there a few times and she knows where its at. On Sunday the ladies working in there kept saying, "oh just leave her. She's fine." I finally did what they said and went to relief society empty handed. With 10 minutes left, I heard Molly screaming in the hall. I went to get her and they said she had been crying on and off for the whole hour. Oh dear. I'm a terrible mother. I shouldn't have left her. Oh well. Also on Sunday, Annie treated us to a yummy dinner at her house. She offered. (My parents were out of town, staying in a "cottage" in the Tetons with no tv and no internet.) Knowing that anything she fixed would be better than my best efforts at home, I said yes. I'm sure James was very appreciative. We ended the day with a visit at Grandpa's house.

Monday we wrapped up our Saturday errands. The nightstand purchased from Ikea was broken and had to be returned. We went back to Lowes and purchased some appliances to be delivered in a month or so. We went back to our house to measure the one window I forgot to write down. We mowed the lawn and got Chick-fil-A milkshakes. We bought Molly two new pairs of shoes at Shopko. Has she outgrown hers? No, not really. However, during the course of this weekend, we went from 3 pairs of shoes to only 1 1/2. A purple flip flop disappeared Thursday night while looking at our house with the Binggelis and I am pretty certain Molly threw away her pink tennis shoes on Saturday at some point. She's been throwing things away all weekend like a good little helper and that's the only place they could possibly be after searching the whole house. Oh well. We didn't feel like dumpster diving our stinky dumpster and the shoes were starting to wear out, so off to Shopko we went. It was a good day.

Now back to my schoolwork that needs attention before tomorrow . . . . . . . Ugh!