24 August 2009

Back to the Rat Race. Don't Forget Your Briefcase.

Today was the first day of school. Things went pretty well. Today is the day I don't have a prep, though. At lunch, I finally had to excuse myself from a conversation with two other teachers because I really had to go to the bathroom. By the time I left the bathroom and grabbed my apple out of the fridge, I had 8 minutes to snarf the apple, a blueberry muffin, and put in my attendance for the first 2 classes. Phew! I even managed to catch up on a couple of e-mails before the rest of the day continued.

Tonight I also had my first day of online school. It's weird. There is a lot of reading. I'm not a good reader. It put me to sleep. I slept for about a half hour before I thought, "I should really try to finish this." One of my classes has the bulk of the week's assignments due on Wednesdays. Given my Tuesday and Wednesday lesson schedule, I guess I'll be doing the bulk of this class on Monday's. I got all but a couple of things finished tonight. Phew, again!

Here is my new blog for one of my courses. I'm sure you'll find it highly enlightening and become a frequent reader of it!


Also, I learned two new vocabulary words tonight in my first day as a Master's Student:

subsume: –verb (used with object), -sumed, -sum⋅ing. 1. to consider or include (an idea, term, proposition, etc.) as part of a more comprehensive one. 2. to bring (a case, instance, etc.) under a rule. 3. to take up into a more inclusive classification.
effectiated: verb (used with object), -at⋅ed, -at⋅ing. to bring about; effect.