Instead of doing regular dance class this year (because let's face it, Molly didn't really like it and neither did mom), we are trying new things. I just signed Molly up for two 6 week classes through community ed. First we'll do dance at Hunter, then we'll do karate at Taylorsville. So far it is going well!
We've decided to tease Willie a little. This is now the second picture we have sent him to show him that Parker is tall. Parker is tall, but not quite that tall. We cropped the picture so you don't see everyone else's bent knees.
We went to The Fair. The kids had fun. Molly went down the giant yellow slide with James and giggled forever afterwards. She thought it was the coolest thing ever! Also, a clown made Jack a minion balloon (beedo beedo).
Oh.... and I've decided my son is a ninja.