14 February 2012

Valentines Day at Our House

Happy Valentines Day!

Here is how we celebrated:

  • I wrote in a lame card to James. I told him Happy V-Day and that we were going out to dinner.
  • I had 2 cute little shirts for Molly, but we were running late this morning, so we didn't open them. Plus, they are summer shirts and she wouldn't have worn them anyway.
  • James had flowers delivered to me at school! He hasn't done that for many moons and it was much appreciated. They are daisies and are very pretty.
  • Molly had a fully festive day at school and came home with quite a load of Valentine exchange goodies (we prepared her Valentines over the weekend and she scribbled on most of them before I wrote the names down).
  • We went to Hires.
  • We stopped at the Family Dollar and Molly picked herself out a Valentine prize. She picked and Easter Egg full of M&M's and a Cars sippy cup.
  • My mom and dad came over to bring Molly a Valentine.
  • Molly went to bed, then woke up coughing, then went back to sleep.
  • James fell asleep on the couch, then went to bed.
  • I had computer issues working on a thing for school, so decided to work on our taxes instead. I wrote this post. I'm waiting to see if Molly is going to stay asleep, then I'm going to bed.
  • Happy Valentines Day!
... And here's a cute picture of the 3 Amigos at a ball game a couple of weeks ago. I stole it from my mom's blog and it has nothing to do with Valentines Day!