I received this e-mail at school today:
"Murray City School District
Information regarding President Obama’s speech to students
On Tuesday, September 8, 2009 at 10:00 a.m. . . . Individual teachers may choose to show President Obama’s address for educational purposes. Those teachers will send permission slips to the parents of their students. Each parent will make the decision to allow their student to watch the speech or opt out. An alternative activity will be available for those students that opt out."
Information regarding President Obama’s speech to students
On Tuesday, September 8, 2009 at 10:00 a.m. . . . Individual teachers may choose to show President Obama’s address for educational purposes. Those teachers will send permission slips to the parents of their students. Each parent will make the decision to allow their student to watch the speech or opt out. An alternative activity will be available for those students that opt out."
Oh my goodness!
Since when do we need permission to listen to the President! Since when do we need permission to teach our students those extremely controversial and partisan values like "stay in school" and "do your best." This is the most ridiculous thing that I think has ever happened in my career (next to getting the day off from school for the prom a few years ago in Tooele). The election is over. He's the PRESIDENT! Feel free to disagree with his policies if you will, but insisting your kids aren't allowed to listen to a speech? Give me a break!
I remember a few years back, after the war in Iraq was just beginning to appear as less than a success, Hillary Clinton spoke out in the Senate against President Bush's polices for the war. Crazy people like Hannity and Beck called her "un-American" and an "ex-patriot," saying that she had no right to be in the Senate because she disagreed with the President. These same types of voices today are the people who are pushing against President Obama and don't want there innocent little children to be told to stay in school! The story is the same, the parties have just been reversed. What a joke!
Talk about brainwashing and socialism . . . make sure your kids are sheltered and not allowed to listen to anything that may potentially go against what you think. Make sure they become clones who follow blindly and do as you say without being able to think and distinguish ideas for themselves. That'll create a more democratic productive society, won't it.
My final thought is this: Barack Obama is the President of the United States of America. He is in a position that is one of the most respected in the world. He got to that position by winning a free and democratic election. Like him or not, he's our leader for at least the next four years. We don't have to agree with him, but he deserves our respect. Not in my lifetime has there been a President who wanted to "talk directly to students across the country on the importance of taking responsibility for their education, challenging them to set goals and do everything they can to succeed (from whitehouse.gov)."
Let the man speak and let the kids listen!