This is my daughter. Her name is Molly. She was curled up in a ball like this because she didn't want to get any shots. It was her 5 year check-up and she needed kindergarten shots. She really only ended up with needing 1 shot (though they may have goofed and given her 2) and when it was done she realized it wasn't that bad, she didn't even cry, and she was pretty proud of the little circle band aids over her war wounds.
I just don't understand this girl and what freaks her out and what doesn't freak her out sometimes. Sigh. Dr. Havlik is excellent, however, and seeing Molly in a ball on my lap decided to have the aide do the shots first, and then continue with the rest of the check-up. She went from frozen ball of nervous ice to goofy, smiling 5 year old in a matter of seconds and the rest of the appointment went smoothly.
Here are her 5 year old stats:
Name: Molly
Age: 5
Weight: 41 pounds (58th percentile)
Height: 44.25 inches (78th percentile)
Heart Rate: 83 bpm
Blood Pressure: 100/50
Eyes: 20/30 in both.
Body Mass Index: 41st percentile (and continually decreasing - I guess she needs to eat more)
She is doing well and everything is great! We talked about bike safety and went to buy a new bike helmet after the appointment (she still doesn't like it, but we'll work on it). We talked about her anxiety issues and that I am a little worried about her going to kindergarten in a pleasant manner. Doctor Havlik suggested seeing a Child Psychologist at least once just to talk to Molly about coping skills for her anxiety and also to talk to me about some strategies. Apparently I have expressed concern about her inability to cope with things in previous appointments because he had several notes on it. The doctor he recommended is hard to get into and we may actually start kindergarten before getting an appointment, but I agreed to at least be referred for the appointment and we'll see how things play out. In the meantime, he suggested going to her new school often and walking around it and playing on the playground to get her more comfortable in going there. We've been to the school twice, but we haven't done that. It sounds like a good idea.
Afterwards, we went to McDonalds for pancakes and hashbrowns. It's pretty much the rule for all doctor visits!