27 June 2008

Happy Birthday

#28 on Saturday!!
Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy

26 June 2008

You don't like Disneyland??!!??

I went visiting teaching tonight. We had one more lady to get. She's new to our route and neither me nor Beverly, my partner, knew her very well. She seems nice and I try not to be too judgmental, but I guess I just am. She was a little weird.

Last week she, her 16 year old son, and his girlfriend (strange combination, right there) went on a vacation to California. They went to CA to just hang out at the beach, but they decided they wanted to go to Disneyland, also, since their hotel was only a couple of blocks from it. They had never been to Disneyland before. Well, she HATED it! How can you hate Disneyland? I had to ask her why it was so terrible. Here is what she said:
  • Crowded, hot, and expensive (yes, I'll give you those ones. I can't argue.)

  • Her feet hurt (she only had sandals, so I'll give her that one, too)

  • There was music playing everywhere (yeah, that's what makes it cool!)

  • The rides were all too loud (would you want them silent?)

  • It was way to "babyish" and meant for little kids (it's a family place and a great wholesome place to enjoy yourself and spend time with your family. Babyish?)

Oh well. Maybe we'll make some more headway and find something in common during next month's visit. Maybe I should have shown her this video before she left. James didn't seem to think that the teacups were "babyish." Look how much he liked it!

23 June 2008

Flinging Poo From a Cannon

James and I have recieved 4 - count them 4 - postcard mailers from Chris Cannon in the last few days. Yuck! He is full of horse poo. He has a terrible voting record - meaning that he is never there in Congress to vote. He has a history of not showing up to debates and he doesn't even campaign (until this year of course). Two years ago I remember seeing 1 - only one -Chris Cannon sign during the entire election. He is a stupid, arrogant, little man, not to mention that he is in favor of school vouchers. I am not sold on Chaffetz either, but please . . . anything is better than this moron. I even considered declaring myself a republican for tomorrow's primary just to vote against him, but I decided against it because I in no way want to associate myself with the republican party, even for that reason. Yuck! James, however, did declare himself a republican for the presidential primary so he could vote for Ron Paul. I am encouraging him to go vote against Cannon tomorrow, but that's I'll I can do. Please stop sending me this garbage!

In other news today, I got an e-mail that the band COLDPLAY is coming to Salt Lake City. They are not my favorite band, but I do like them. Annie and I had tickets to see the not-so-famous Coldplay several years ago when they were playing In the Venue, still called Bricks. I think we paid $15 for our tickets, but unfortunately Chris Martin had some kind of voice issue and they cancelled the show the day before. We were bummed because we really like their first (and only one at that time) album. They came a few years later to a slightly bigger venue - Saltair - and we saw them. It was good! But now, they are playing the crapola Delta Solutions Cenrena and the nose bleed seats start at $51 (before service charges). The floor seats are around $100. No thanks. Bad sound. Too much hype. I'll pass. I may buy the new album, though.