03 April 2011

Spring Break Recap

Spring Break is over. It is April 3rd and it is snowing outside. Go figure! I cleaned up my little yard a bit and planted pansies (that are now covered in snow). Molly and I spent lots of quality time together. We visited the double T's. We hung out at the DMV. We got the kitchen table cleaned off and threw most of it in the recycle bin. We also cleaned out 3 cupboards in the kitchen. We fixed dinner for Grandpa. We slept in until 7:00 almost every day! Hooray for days off. (And, of course, we went to Disneyland!!)

Unfortunately, a few more of my spring break projects included cleaning my house, and finishing some school work. That, of course, did not get done. School work has been left until Sunday night. Housework . . . keeping up on the laundry, dishes, countertops, and bathrooms is all I can seem to manage. One of these days, I might get the rest of it in order. Before Molly was born, I prided myself in having a fairly tidy house . . . no more.

I also spent a good deal of time over the break talking to a couple of realtors and a couple of financial guys. Thank goodness Molly had some long naps and I was able to do this. Selling our house is going to be quite an obstacle. We are in good shape to purchase a new home, though, except for the whole selling of this one. I've come up with a 6 month plan and James has agreed to come on board. In the next 6 months we will:

1) without touching our savings, try to tighten our belts and put as much extra money on our current loan as possible to help cut the difference between what we owe and what the realtors thing we could sell it for.

2) lightly nudge (or pester like crazy) our current HOA board to get our complex FHA compliant. Right now we are not and this is why the other homes that our for sale are not selling. I e-mailed the presidente on Friday, but of course have not heard back from her. I'll call her this week.

3) keep our fingers crossed that at least one of the other homes sells in the next little while and then ours will (there are currently 3 on the market and and 4th with a for sale sign up, but not actually listed).

For the rest of the month of April I am also going to keep myself busy doing the following (all of which have deadlines by the end of the month and all while James is gone for 2 weeks for Annual Training):

1) Finish my final project for the most stupid class I have taken yet at USU.

2) Finish THE final project for my Master's Degree. I am building a curriculum of online games and activities to match the Algebra 1 curriculum. I've been creating the project all year, but I have to do the final write up and report on it before the end of this month so I can walk at graduation (maybe), even though I still have one class to finish in the summer.

3) Finish my portfolio that is also a requirement for my pending degree

4) Finish my part and help Annie and Emily with our booth for the BYU Women's Conference - "Social Technology - Good, Better, and Best."

5) Teach the temple prep class to a couple in our ward - first lesson is tomorrow (and maybe we should actually go to the temple since it's been a while, but our recommends expired and we can't meet with the bishopric until Tuesday).

Phew! I hope I make it! If I do, we'll celebrate Molly's 1st birthday, wrap up the school year, and have a great summer!