Remember that time we went to the zoo? It was just me and you? You were little and still a little shaky using the bathroom. It was winter. You had to go. We found one quick. Everything was going fine until you threw my favorite bob-the-dog-brown-mittens in the toilet. I fished them out and threw them in the garbage. I still love you, though!!
I can't believe you are 14. I was 14 when you were born. Weird, huh? If mom and dad call a family meeting when you are 14, you're welcome to come live with me.
Have a great #14!!!
And p.s. . . . . just because you THINK you're taller than me doesn't mean I can't take you! Ha!
And p.p.s . . . just because I dropped a bottle of lotion on your head when you were a day old and ran your head into the wall on your blessing day, doesn't mean that you will have lifelong brain damage. I promise. It will go away eventually.