01 February 2013

Whatcha doin?

me:  Hey, Jack.  What are you doing?
Jack:  abb-bu-bu
me: Oh, you crawled underneath your high chair to play with the maracas   
Jack: maa-blah-blah-oooo



Jack and I took the day off today.  I have had no voice and a stuffed head all week.  Molly was sick and miserable all last weekend.  Jack was sick about a month ago, but then seemed to be fine.  Now he is miserable again, was up all night (finally slept for the longest stretch between 3:30 and around 7:00).

He has been a little grumpy, a little feverish, a little extra snotty, had a little less of an appetite, and has been sleeping a little less than normal.  He's had a couple of blowouts and has gagged on his food a few times (once resulting in a major pukage for Stephanie).  I texted her yesterday to check on him and she said he was having a rough day.  We've been just blaming it on teeth coming in, but then I start to worry that it is something worse.

I called the doctor and though Dr. Havlik had left for the afternoon, one of his colleages could see Jack at 3:30.  I quickly left as soon as school got out, got Molly then Jack and headed to the doctor.  I mainly wanted to rule out ear infection or something else that may need an antibiotic.  Dr. Burton, the one seeing us, listened to his lungs . . . clear . . . . looked in his ears . . .  clear . . . looked in his mouth . . .  Ahhh!  His whole mouth is swolen from teeth that refuse to poke through and his tonsils were extremely puffy.  She felt his neck and said he glands were pretty swolen, too.  She said he's too little to get strep, it didn't look like hand, foot, and mouth disease, so she was just going to call it tonsilitis and teeth.

All we can do is give him tylenol and motrin and whatever else he'll let us put in his mouth.  He ate breakfast well this morning, but won't let a bottle come near him.  I don't know if it hurts to swallow more or just hurts to have something in his mouth, but our "world's happiest baby" has not been a happy camper.  He's eaten parts of some popsicles and a little bit of apple juice with a spoon.

He's good and happy for a minute and then can change to super sad in an instant. He slept for about an hour this morning and seems tired, now, but isn't quite ready to sleep.

He did look cute for some picture when we were chilling on the floor earlier.

I hope he gets better.  I feel bad that there isn't really anything to do for him.
He's tough, though, and I think he'll be ok.