I think I am a very patient, understanding, and nice to the point of being a total pushover at school. I must run out of patient energy by the time I get home. However, with that said, I guess I'm even a bit difficult at school lately. I sent an e-mail to a colleague the other day. I didn't think it was rude, but I was sternly asking for some clarification because he continually forgets to inform me of things going on and then I'm left in the dark. Another teacher e-mailed me back with some of the information I had requested. I spoke with her later that day and said thanks for the e-mail. I also said, "I e-mailed [so and so], but he never responded." She said, "Ya, he came to me and told me to send you the things you needed because he thinks you are mad at him."
Ok. I give up. I'll try to improve.