08 April 2010

What I think about the Number 30

*30 is a number. It's less than 40, but more than 20.
*Its multiples are 60, 90, 120, 150, etc.
*Its factors are 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 15, and 30.
*The square root of 30 is irrational.

*30 days ago things in my stomach did not move around and kick me near as much as they do today.
*In around 30 days from now, this being in my stomach will emerge, hopefully happy, healthy, and able to practice other skills besides kicking me in the rib cage.
*In 3o years from now, I'll be 60 and the parent of an almost 30 year old.

*It has taken less than 30 years to earn a bachelor's degree, drive across the country, visit 30 states, buy a house, get married to James, teach school for 7 years, spend 5 years driving to Tooele, visit France (twice) and Switzerland, go to countless basketball games, go to Disneyland a bunch of times, hang out with my grandparents, hang out with my brother, my nephews, of course James, my parents, and my other great family members, take banjo lessons, and . . . do lots of other cool stuff.
*It will take more than 30 years to have a baby girl and see where that takes us, get James graduated with a nursing degree, finish my master's degree, visit the other 20 states, write a book, teach some more, visit Jame's brother in Germany, travel around some other European countries, spend more time with my family, convince my colleagues that calculators are not evil, convince my students that learning is important, own a slightly bigger home with a garage and a yard, be married to my husband for more than 3 years, go to a lot more basketball games, and eat a lot more cheeseburgers.

Happy Birthday to me!!

Thanks for the birthday posts Mom and Annie!

07 April 2010

Do you need some help with Biology?

Here are two of my favorite gentleman doing . . . biology. I can help with math, history, english, and I can edit any paper, but biology? I'm at a loss, here. So what can I do? Take a picture of the biologists and post it on the blog while I wait!

(Mom, Dad, and Willie, your computer is WAYYYYY too slow.
Can you do something about it?)