Welcome home!
02 November 2012
Welcome Home Missionary
Cousin Eddie came home tonight after serving a mission in Samoa for the last 2 years. He looked good. He arrived early, so many of us missed his decent down the escalator, but that's ok.
End of Football
Deseret News Article
Hunter Football came to an end last week. The Wolverines had a slow start and struggled most of the night. They finally figured things out in the 4th quarter and gave the game a valiant attempt, but it was too little too late.
So long Hunter football. It was a good season.
So long watching little brother play the game he says he doesn't like, though often smiles while he does it.
So long. It's been fun!
Hunter Football came to an end last week. The Wolverines had a slow start and struggled most of the night. They finally figured things out in the 4th quarter and gave the game a valiant attempt, but it was too little too late.
So long Hunter football. It was a good season.
So long watching little brother play the game he says he doesn't like, though often smiles while he does it.
So long. It's been fun!
You may recognize Molly's Halloween costume from last year. She was a monkey again. She likes monkeys. The costume still fit. Mom isn't really that overboard about Halloween. The monkey worked. Maybe it will fit again next year.
For the first time ever, Molly was really excited to go to school. I thought that maybe I would start letting her wear the monkey costume every day and our mornings would go much more smoothly (however by the end of the day, she was very done with the monkey costume and I don't think she'd put it on tomorrow if I tried).
We got to school and all of the little kidlets were super excited about their costumes.
During 3rd period, they all came through my room (and others) to show off their costumes, sing a little Halloween song, and get some candy. Molly cried when she saw me, then settled down, then cried when she left. I continued to hear her cry as she went in and out of classes down the hall. Oh sad. By the time I got her in the afternoon, though, she had totally forgotten about it and was just as happy as ever.
Next, we stopped by James' work. There was a sort-of party at his office and the employees were encouraged to bring their kids by to go trick-or-treating. We were only there for a few minutes, but Molly had fun and added to her haul.
Later, James took Molly trick-or-treating around the neighborhood. James said they hit just about every house around our block and that Molly actually walked most of it. Jack and I stayed home and passed out candy.
Our day ended with our annual Halloween party at my Grandpa's house. Both Jack and Molly were getting tired and pretty worn down, but my mom did a good job providing us all with some yummy food.
James was originally an "African Safari Guy," but one of our primary kids saw them and said, "Oh it's a monkey and the zookeeper." I thought that was fitting too.
Happy Halloween!
For the first time ever, Molly was really excited to go to school. I thought that maybe I would start letting her wear the monkey costume every day and our mornings would go much more smoothly (however by the end of the day, she was very done with the monkey costume and I don't think she'd put it on tomorrow if I tried).
During 3rd period, they all came through my room (and others) to show off their costumes, sing a little Halloween song, and get some candy. Molly cried when she saw me, then settled down, then cried when she left. I continued to hear her cry as she went in and out of classes down the hall. Oh sad. By the time I got her in the afternoon, though, she had totally forgotten about it and was just as happy as ever.
Next, we stopped by James' work. There was a sort-of party at his office and the employees were encouraged to bring their kids by to go trick-or-treating. We were only there for a few minutes, but Molly had fun and added to her haul.
Later, James took Molly trick-or-treating around the neighborhood. James said they hit just about every house around our block and that Molly actually walked most of it. Jack and I stayed home and passed out candy.
Our day ended with our annual Halloween party at my Grandpa's house. Both Jack and Molly were getting tired and pretty worn down, but my mom did a good job providing us all with some yummy food.
James was originally an "African Safari Guy," but one of our primary kids saw them and said, "Oh it's a monkey and the zookeeper." I thought that was fitting too.
Happy Halloween!
Jack finally sat up by himself for the first time on Halloween!
Molly admiring her "poonkin."
My Halloween Gang!
UEA - Fall Break
How did we spend our UEA Week and Weekend?
Tuesday Night -
Wednesday Night -
Thursday - Day off!
Sunday -
Tuesday Night -
- Visited with Amber and Colton
- Ate Chinese food
- Had a great time!
Wednesday Night -
- Football Game, Senior Night, Victory, Region Champs (see other post)
Thursday - Day off!
- Molly slept in until 7:15 a.m.!! Woo Hoo!!
- Dropped chilluns off at my mom's while I went to a viewing for a lady at my school who passed away - Obituary here.
- Ate pizza for lunch and Hires drinks at my mom's with Willie, mom, and Annie and boys for my mom's 58th BIRTHDAY!!
- Returned to my mom's in the evening for scones & hot chocolate and birthday gifts.
Friday - Day off!
- Went to Midway to meet up with the Binggeli's after James got home from work
- Good food, movies, swimming
Saturday -
- Wandered around the Homestead Resort and visited the giant hot springs crater
- Ate lunch at the Gateway Restaurant in Kamas
Sunday -
- Ventured to Garland for church and dinner
- Visited with Amber & Colton, Grandma and Grandpa Binggeli, and Jarrel & his new fiance Whytnee.
Monday - Day off!
- Still had the day off for Murray School District, though I really don't know why
- We went to Target and then came home. Molly had a nap, but Jack didn't want one.
- I tried to get some school work done, but it was challenging.
Great Weekend!
01 November 2012
Disclaimer: This is my blog and I can write what I want. If you don't agree, feel free to comment (you're entitled to your opinion, too, and I can take it) or move along to the next blog.
Ok . . . this political season is almost over. Thank goodness! I have spared the blog reading community of my political rantings since clear back in January (click here), but I can't hold it back anymore. Here are my main points to try to keep things concise at the beginning:
1. My vote for President of the United States means absolutely nothing in the state of Utah because of an antiquated system called the Electoral College and it is much more important to read up and make good decisions about local candidates. (But, I am going to talk about the Presidential election.)
2. I've been leaning towards Obama all along, but have considered voting for Romney. I think since Ralph Nader is not on the ballot, Obama will have to get my vote, though. Why won't I vote for Romney?
Ok . . . this political season is almost over. Thank goodness! I have spared the blog reading community of my political rantings since clear back in January (click here), but I can't hold it back anymore. Here are my main points to try to keep things concise at the beginning:
1. My vote for President of the United States means absolutely nothing in the state of Utah because of an antiquated system called the Electoral College and it is much more important to read up and make good decisions about local candidates. (But, I am going to talk about the Presidential election.)
2. I've been leaning towards Obama all along, but have considered voting for Romney. I think since Ralph Nader is not on the ballot, Obama will have to get my vote, though. Why won't I vote for Romney?
- I'm sure he's a very good, upstanding, honest guy, but I DON'T like his stance on education. I do NOT believe that funding the private sector is the sole way to improving the economy. I am IN FAVOR of protecting natural lands and looking for better sources of energy than coal. I believe we need to REDUCE military spending and not increase it. I am IN FAVOR of a national health care system.
3. Vote for Mitt Romney if you'd like. Vote for Barack Obama if you'd like. But please, don't just vote for Romney because he is a Mormon and please don't just vote against Obama because you've read a slanderous e-mail from a friend. Know what they stand for and make an educated decision based on what you think will best help our country.
Below is what got me fired up. I was forwarded this e-mail today. It's slanderous. It's ignorant. It doesn't do anything to solve any problems in our country. My responses are in red.
RE: Chilling Letter from Proctor & Gamble to Obama
According to Snopes http://www.snopes.com/politics/soapbox/youscareme.asp and Urban Legends http://urbanlegends.about.com/od/barackobama/a/Lou-Pritchett-Letter-To-Obama.htm the letter is original. That doesn't mean you have to believe it, though. It is just crappola.
"We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress & the courts, not to overthrow the constitution, but overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution." Abraham LincolnAN OPEN LETTER TO PRESIDENT OBAMA
Dear President Obama:
You are the thirteenth President under whom I have lived and unlike Any of the others, you truly scare me.
You scare me because after months of exposure, I know nothing about you. - Why not? There was even an excellent PBS documentary on the other night chronicling the lives of both Obama and Romney. It was unbiased and well done with regards to both candidates. There are several autobiographies and plenty of things on the internet.
You scare me because I do not know how you paid for your expensive Ivy League education and your upscale lifestyle and housing with no Visible signs of support. - Student loans, regular jobs, living within you means, working and saving . . . why should anyone be challenged for that?
You scare me because you did not spend the formative years of youth Growing up in America and culturally you are not an American. - He lived part of his life outside the country, has a messed up family, no dad in the picture, mom often absent, raised by grandparents, etc., but that doesn't make him a terrorist or anti-American. In fact it makes him more like the rest of the ordinary people in our country. Have you been to a typical high school classroom lately? Do you know how many kids have moved around a lot? Do you know how many kids have messed up or non-traditional families? Do you know how many kids still get past it and function every day?
You scare me because you have never run a company or met a payroll. - Not all politicians have to be businessmen.
You scare me because you have never had military experience, thus don't understand it at its core. - Neither has Romney
You scare me because you lack humility and 'class', always blaming others. - Just someone's opinion.
You scare me because for over half your life you have aligned Yourself with radical extremists who hate America and you refuse to Publicly denounce these radicals who wish to see America fail.. - Who? There was the guy who led the church Obama once belonged to. Who are the others?
You scare me because you are a cheerleader for the 'blame America' Crowd and deliver this message abroad. - I've never heard about "blame America." Is this the same thing that Romney calls the "apology tour." George W. Bush made a mess of things and put the US in a place of arrogance and major stepping on toes. Obama has had a load of crap to clean up and the US IS to blame for some things. Not everyone in the world loves us and we need to respect that.
You scare me because you want to change America to a European style Country where the government sector dominates instead of the private sector. This is just a fundamental difference in Republicans and Democrats (which started in the 1880's with Federalists and Anti-Federalists). Both have strengths and weaknesses.
You scare me because you want to replace our health care system With a government controlled one. - Good! There are plenty of people who don't have health care and there are plenty of people who need another option besides going to the emergency room when they are sick. Insurance companies make huge profits. My wonderful "private sector" insurance has nearly tripled in the last 3 years. Obama care has hardly gone into effect yet and is not to blame for my own insurance hikes. Insurance companies have huge monopolies and a good government option would drive healthy competition and improve the economy and the health care system. And you know what else bothers me about the healthcare issue? The SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES SAID IT IS LEGITIMATE AND CONSTITUTIONAL. JOHN ROBERTS - SUPER CONSERVATIVE BUSH APPOINTEE - EVEN GOT ON BOARD! Why aren't people talking about this???!!!???
You scare me because you prefer 'wind mills' to responsibly Capitalizing on our own vast oil, coal and shale reserves. - Good! Windmills are friendly to the environment. They are renewable. Look at all the people standing in line for fuel after the devastation on the east coast. We are dependent on something that is not going to last forever. The pollution we have now is nothing like it was during the Industrial revolution when every factory in the country ran on coal and the entire sky was black in big cities. Aren't you glad we've improved a little? Shouldn't we keep looking for ways to improve? In addition, I like my National Parks and open spaces. I would like to keep them that way!
You scare me because you want to kill the American capitalist goose That lays the golden egg which provides the highest standard of Living in the world. - Huh? It's not all about money. Even the poorest in our country live better than many people around the world, I agree. BUT, our education system is failing, our economy is failing, and eventually we are going to "think we are wonderful" into the ground without actually producing anything for the future. I believe there is a huge sense of entitlement in our nation that has come as a result of taking for granted the hard work of generations past. If we don't stop, there will not be so much success for generations in the future.
You scare me because you have begun to use 'extortion' tactics Against certain banks and corporations. - I don't know what this means. It is an issue I haven't read up on.
You scare me because your own political party shrinks from Challenging you on your wild and irresponsible spending proposals. - Agreed. Democrats spend too much. But, Republicans spend too much, too, just on different things. Has anyone ever thought of this: Do you realize how many billions of dollars are raised and spent on election campaigns? If we could apply all of that money to the federal deficit rather than spending it on stupid commercials and advertisements, we would be in a whole lot better state. How can EITHER side argue about budgeting and fiscal responsibility when so much money is wasted getting them to the point where they can make decisions. It's all stupid if you ask me.
You scare me because you will not openly listen to or even consider Opposing points of view from intelligent people. - Huh? Robert Gates - Secretary of Defense - Republican - worked with George W. Bush. Jon Huntsman, Jr. - Ambassador to China - Republican - and leader of Utah for heaven's sake.
You scare me because you falsely believe that you are both Omnipotent and omniscient. - I don't understand this one either.
You scare me because the media gives you a free pass on everything You do. You scare me because you demonize and want to silence the Limbaugh's, Hannitys, O'Reillys and Becks who offer opposing, Conservative points of view. - Ok, seriously. Name 1 leftist radio/TV personality. Bill Maher, maybe? He was banned from regular TV and Radio and is only played on HBO, I think. Jon Stewart, maybe? He's a comedian. Anyone can name a heck of a lot more conservative right winger radio crazies than liberal ones.
You scare me because you prefer controlling over governing. Seriously, do you feel "controlled" today? Have you ever felt "controlled" by a President?
Finally, you scare me because if you serve a second term I will Probably not feel safe in writing a similar letter in 8 years. - Whatever. Give me a break. The beauty of our nation and our Constitution is that it is a system that doesn't trust anyone. We have checks and balances. We have limits on governmental power. Why do you think Obama hasn't been able to do much more than the health care plan in his last 4 years? Because in the last 2 years a strong republican majority in Congress has made sure that no Democratic ideas get passed. Is that good or bad, I don't know, but it is an example of limited powers in action. How is Obama abusing his power? How is he ruining the Constitution? He can't! Nor can anyone else! The Constitution protects itself! It was divinely inspired. It is the oldest living government document used in any country today. It is good. It is right. We have had plenty of corruption and deception and unethical practices in the White House in our 200+ year history. Social media and technology make things more transparent today than ever before. Whether Obama gets re-elected or Romney gets elected, this will not change. Have some faith in the Constitution. Obama can't ruin it. Romney can't save it. It is stronger than both of them.
Lou Pritchett
E-mails like this are driven out of hatred, and ignorance. Tell us you don't like someone's policies. Tell us you don't like someone's stance or opinion on a political issue. But, spare us the made up, ridiculous, slanderous crap like this that gets perpetuated, solves nothing, and deep down minimizes the power of our great nation by perpetuating the idea that 1 politician can "ruin us" and one politician can "save us." They are ALL politicians. They are ALL humans. Vote for Romney if you'd like. Vote for Obama if you'd like. But, by ding dangit, stop following the crowd, start thinking for yourself . . . AND STOP FORWARDING STUPID E-MAILS LIKE THIS!
31 October 2012
Crazy Twitter Pictures Worth Keeping
Super Hero Day at HHS. Willie was "Captain Canada."
Parkie Warkie for Halloween. Oh, strange . . . but funny.
Ellawyatt's Halloween costumes - Zombie Argentine Soccer Players
Nerd day at HHS
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