U did it!
LaRon James Binggeli, BSN
James graduated from the U this week with a degree in nursing. We are very proud of him and glad he finally made it! It was a great afternoon for James to say goodbye to all his nursing friends and wish them the best in the current job market. Then, we attended a nice, short ceremony. James even got a hug from nurse "Helga" as he walked across the stage. She must really like him. James' mom and dad were there, as well as Alicia, Annie, Jared, and kids. James' Uncle AlDon and Aunt Janet drove down from Smithfield and brought Aunt Joyce from Riverdale. My mom and dad, of course, were also there, as well as Annie and Willie. Our friend Emily was there, too, even though we didn't see her. Afterwards, we all went for burgers at Crown Burgers and then drove to Ogden to see Alicia's new house. It was a late night, but a great night!
Thursday, May 6th, 2010, 5:00 p.m.
Kingsbury Hall
College of Nursing Convocation

On Friday morning we got up and headed back to the U for commencement. It was a little weird to go to this event after the convocation ceremony, but it was still a great morning. My mom came, as well as Alicia, and we sat by the Stapley's in the Huntsman Center. I have to admit I wasn't thrilled to hear the keynote address by former Governor Huntsman, but it was actually really good and I was impressed. Afterward the ceremony and some pictures, James and I decided to go for a walk to get Baby Bing moving. (For a moment, at 5:00 a.m., I thought we might be going to the hospital instead of graduation, but then unfortunately things calmed down.) We walked to the bookstore and then back up to the Huntsman Center. Afterwards, we celebrated the only way we know how . . . cherry cokes and a GBO from Hires. Yum!
Congratulations, again, James! I am very proud of you. You did it!!
Friday, May 7th, 2010, 9:00 a.m.
Huntsman Center
University of Utah Commencement

Congratulations, also, to cousin Lauren! Way to go Laur-y!