14 February 2008

How I Spent My Snow Day!

Happy Vale . . . . SNOW DAY!!!!!

It's a snow day!!! It's a snow day!!! It's a snow day!!!!

I got up at 5:15. I new I'd need an early start this morning. I turned on the news. Jordan District is closed. I got in the shower. I combed my hair. I went back to the news. My mom called and said Tooele District was closed. I believed her but had to see hear it for myself. I kept watching the news. Jordan District not closed. Delayed 2 hours. Tooele District closed. Yippy!!!!

Phone rang. It was my friend teacher friend Marni. "Did you hear?" Phone rang. It was my teacher friend, Nancy. "Did you hear? There is 2 feet in Tooele." What a nice day off today!!!! I don't even care if I have to make it up. What a nice day off!!

In other news. James and I followed Cousin Natalie and Cousin Emily home last night. They made it just fine in the snow . . . until the driveway. It was pretty funny. They were in the green car. It wasn't moving anywhere. Uncle Steve came out and tried to move it. It got stuck worse. They finally got it so it wasn't sticking out in the rode. Natalie took pictures. (POST THEM ON YOUR BLOG, NATALIE AND I'LL LINK TO THEM.)

Have a great day!