13 July 2007

Captain Helmet Head

I know, I stole the picture . . . but it's cute and I wanted it on my blog, too!

09 July 2007

In the HOT sun

So James has now decided to move and only work at the LDSH. Even though the work will be much harder, the move is for the best.

Why does it have to be so HOT. It is so hot that an instant sweat is started the moment your out side. Our Air conditioning is doing all that it can to keep up. But our bedroom is hot enough that covers are a undesireable option.

Well until next issue, in the Bing clan life.

08 July 2007

Lazy Sunday

Hello. Today was a pretty slow Sunday. I went to church. Came home. Went to dinner. Came home. Chilled outside on my swing. Caught up on 3 weeks worth of Newsweeks (later realizing that I had actually already read parts of all of them). Wrote letters to missionaries. Took photos of home annoyances.

Disclaimer: I really like my home. Don't get the wrong idea. Here, however, are a few minor annoyances.

#1. Bugs. We have been infested with earwigs since we moved in and started messing around in our small yard. We are slowly killing them all off. Here are some remains.

#2. Wood. Apparently we bought this wood with our home. It's ugly and probably a large eco-system for earwigs. I need to get rid of it.

#3. Mailbox. In the first month of living in our new home, I have never seen anyone else at the mailbox. I thought perhaps it was just a timing issue or maybe because of the golf ball sized wasp nest in the corner that people didn't use it. But, yesterday this lovely red sign appeared. PEOPLE, GET YOUR MAIL!!!!

That's all. have a good day.