13 August 2012

Kid #2

My son's name is Jack.  I love him a lot, but he is growing so fast I can hardly believe it.  He is turning into a total rolly polly chubber.  When he is awake he still eats just about every 2 hours.  If he has to go much longer, he cries like I haven't fed him for days.  He is a super good night time sleeper but a weird day time sleeper.  At night, he's been sleeping about 7-8 hours consistently for around 3 weeks now.  That is quite nice!  During the day however, he hasn't gotten on much of a schedule.  Some days he is fussy and wants to be talked to and held all day, with little napping.  Other days he is like a 2-week old again and eats, sleeps, eats, goes back to sleep, etc.  I worry a little about his lack of schedule during the day, but since he's been so good at night, I've just kind of let it all be.

He loves to coo and jabber.  He has a cute little voice.  He definitely knows his mom and dad and especially his sister.  She can always get him to smile.  

He can be rather explosive still and even at church today had to be wrapped up in only his blanket and diaper when I got more than we bargained for with a diaper change.  I had an extra outfit in the bag, but was dumb and didn't take the bag in the bathroom with me.  As soon as we found dad and the diaper bag, Jack was re-clothed.  

He is growing out of all of his clothes.  I just pulled out all his 6 month and 6-9 month items from his stash and washed them.  Some of the 6-9 month things are still way to big, but today I couldn't squish his arms in a 6 month golf shirt he's been wearing to church.  Though he still has a handful of 3 month outfits that fit him, he's not going to be in the 6 month ones for too long.

Jack is also sporting a mullett/tail on the back of his head (I need to take a picture).  Though it kind of looks like a back-of-the-head-goatee, it is actually not what he is growing, but what he hasn't rubbed off.  It's kind of silly  looking and dark with a hint of red.  His new hair coming in is very blonde like his sister's.  I don't think there is any chance for red hair with this little guy either.

He is very wiggly.  Molly never moved much.  I could leave her on her changing table for a moment and know she wasn't going anywhere.  Jack, however, is a wiggle worm.  He can't roll over but tries really hard and likes to jerk himself back and forth when laying on his back.  He wants really bad to sit up on his own.  He loves to be propped up on the couch or on pillows.  He likes to be able to see what is going on.

He spent his first full night in his crib last night, sharing a room with his sister.  Everything seemed fine, so we'll keep our fingers crossed on that one. 

He burps so loud he can wake the neighbors.  He still spits up a lot.  

I love this little squishy boy and hope that he continues growing healthy and strong!

12 August 2012

Kid #1

My daughter's name is Molly.  I love her a lot and she can be a really good girl, but boy is she crazy, a live wire, a spitfire, opinionated, a ticking time bomb . .  . you name it.  She has totally grown into a stinker and a terrible 2 this summer.  It's possible that being 2 is reason enough or it could be caused by the addition of her brother, toilet training, lack of routine, unorganized mother . . . again, you name it.

Although I do think I pay attention to her, and yes, I do watch her, here are a few of the messes she's made this summer while I haven't been watching her (usually during the time I am feeding Jack, changing his diaper, or trying to fix dinner, rendering myself temporarily immobile).
  • Vicks vapor rubbed her bedroom 
  • Orange markered the house (washable, thank goodness)
  • Penned the bathroom door (Mr. Clean magic eraser works well)
  • Put stickers all over her brother (he was sleeping and I was folding clothes or something in the other room)
  • Sun-screened a spot on the carpet
  • Lotioned another spot on the carpet
  • Put boogers where they shouldn't go
  • Emptied all of her brothers clothes out of his dresser
  • Finger-nail polished her face
  • Emptied out all of the contents of my wallet
  • Dumped out all of the neatly folded clothes from the laundry basket
  • Walking onto the "carpet" pool cover at my grandpa's house.  She had a slow-motion decent into the swimming pool with several adults within a few feet.  We caught her.  She  was traumatized for a few minutes, but then ok.
  • Painting her feet and arms with mud and saying, "I making mess.  I making mess." (ok, so this one was harmless and was also supervised.  It kept her entertained while I pulled some weeds and it was nothing that the hose and then the bathtub couldn't take care of.)
  • Insisted on wearing her snow boots around the house

Here are a couple of other funny things about this girl that I wanted to put in writing.

On Friday, I lost my debit card.  I knew it had to be in the house, but it wasn't on the computer desk where I had left it.  Though it was dumb of me to just leave it lying around, I didn't know if she had taken it or if I had gone crazy and put it somewhere, then forgot where.  I had asked her periodically where it was.  I even pulled out a similar looking card and showed it to her.  She didn't know where "mama's ticket" was.  Once I asked her where it went and she said, "I eat it. Num, Num, Num, Num, Num."  Once I asked her and she said, "It all gone!"  Then finally she just handed it to me.  I asked her where it had been and she said, "In my pocket." 

Molly has made pretty good friends this summer with the neighbor kids.  A little boy named Asher is a year older than her and they run around our grass together in the evenings sometime.  The other night I told Molly it was time to go in and she needed to tell Asher goodbye.  She said, "Bye Asher.  Have to get in baff."  I started walking into the garage and thought she was right behind me.  Next thing I here is, "Bye Asher.  Give me kiss."  Oh no . . . . Sure enough I turn around and there is Molly giving poor little Asher a kiss on the lips.  What am I going to do with this girl?!!?  Asher looked stunned.  Molly and I had a nice talk while she was in the bathtub about how it is ok to kiss mom, dad, grandmas, grandpas, and Jack, but we don't need to kiss Asher.  She said ok.

The other day, Molly came to me and said, "My eye is hurting."  I looked all around and didn't see an eyelash or anything in her eye, but she said it a few more times.  I asked her, "Molly what is in your eye?"  She said, "There is yogurt in my eye."  Huh?  She'd had yogurt for breakfast hours earlier, but who knows what she was talking about.  Her eye is fine.

Here is a video of her being herself at the kitchen table the other day (Jack was sleeping).