1. Christmas Eve - cookies - Molly bonkers - major meltdown over the spilling of the sprinkles on the floor for the third time - made James color Christmas pictures with her.
2. Christmas Eve - dinner at Grandpa's - nativity program - kids wild
3. Christmas Morning - Santa Claus made it to our house - "reindeer food" on the back porch and Molly put a plate of cookies UNDER a chair facing the back door.
4. Aunt Karen's for Breakfast - good food - ate our weight in scones - no camera.
5. Petersen House - Jack slept. Molly opened gifts - got her first fancy princess costume from Aunt Annie - ate only food she ate all day - 3 Ritz crackers and half of a yogurt (with a Sprite).
6. Alicia in the Target Parking Lot - still not sure on the whole story, but Alicia drove up from New Mexico and was headed back - crossed paths and were able to meet up for a few minutes in the Target parking lot before continuing north
7. Binggeli House - Molly and Jack had good naps in the car - Jason entertained Molly all night and then rode home with us while she screamed - Larsons were there - Jarrell and Whytnee were there - Ate lots of ham and my cookies disappeared.
8. Home - Tired. Merry Christmas!
9. Day After Christmas - Dinner with Grandpa since we didn't make it there on Christmas Day - opened gifts from him - tried out new waffle iron.