Happy #5 Birthday to my #1 Daughter!
This week Molly turned 5 years old. She is growing up so fast and I love her very much. She is a little crazy and dramatic and I still never quite know what might set her off (though she is getting a little better), but she is also a sweetheart who likes to share things (just not with her brother) and is concerned about other people. She loves to draw and color, make notes for people, play outside, find bugs and make habitats for them, dance around, cook things, and be in charge.
James and I decided that she needed a big kid bike for her birthday. Jack was pretty excited, too, because that means he gets to take over full reign of the red tricycle without having to fight for a turn. Unfortunately, we've had a lot of rain since the birthday so the bike hasn't been out for much more than a few circles in the garage, but so far she seems like a pro.
We celebrated her actual birthday by going to Chick Fil A and taking Little Debbie Cosmic Brownies to school, but that's about it.
We decided to let Molly have a "friend" birthday party this year. She has been talking about it and inviting people to it since last fall. We invited just her friends from school (all the 4-5 years olds) and our neighbor Asher. We had 15 kids total and it was honestly an insane 2 hours of somewhat organized chaos. My mom came and helped me out which was wonderful, but I think had any of the kids had ill intent, they could have tied us up and taken over at any point in time.
We played silly party games and whacked a pinata. We opened presents and ate cake and ice cream. Molly picked a "fish & shark" theme and then a My Little Pony cake (great combination, I know).
It was a fun time!
On Sunday, we continued the celebration but decided to let Jack join in as well. We celebrated with both sets of grandparents, Annie, Ross, and family, and Jason. The kids were wild and crazy, but had a lot of fun.
Kindergarten, here we come!!