20 July 2012

Count your blessings . . .

Name them one:  MOLLY

by one: Jack

We are lazy.  Our days lately are filled with lounging, watching movies, coloring, and doing a whole lot of nothing.  I keep thinking that we should be more active and productive, but then I stop thinking that.  Isn't it important for a little kid to be familiar with all the classic Disney movies?  Our time is so structured, routine, and busy from September to May that we just don't feel like doing much from June to August.

Today we attempted to go for a walk around the block.  We made it out of our circle and down about 4 houses until someone had to hurry back home to go to the bathroom.  We fully intended to go back and resume our walk, but we didn't.

When Molly has to go to the bathroom, she says, "I'm stuck."  I'm working on getting her to say, "I need to go to the bathroom," but she prefers being stuck.  She has also spent substantial time today marching around in 1 snow boot.  When we are listening to music, at the end of each song she'll ask, "You like that one?"  Today I found a grocery sack in our diaper bag.  I pulled out the sack and in it were a bunch of refrigerator magnets, a couple of small toys, and a pair of yellow flip-flops.  I'm glad she's prepared.  She makes messes and can be a stinker some times, but overall she's been a really good girl the last few weeks since we got the bathroom thing down.

Jack is super happy and will almost always smile at Molly.  He loves her, I can tell.  And, she always tells him, "I love you Jack!," . . .  right before she squishes him.  I don't know how many times a day I say, "Molly be soft.  Molly be careful.  Molly don't squish Jack.  MOLLY!!!!"

This little brother, though, is an eating machine.  I can't seem to keep enough in him.  During the day he still eats almost every two hours.  I'm trying to increase the amount I give him (if I can keep him awake through the bottle), but he still seems hungry all the time.  He just takes weird short naps all day long, but the will sleep for longer stretches at night.  He should probably be on a better schedule, but we haven't quite gotten to that point.  He did sleep almost 6 hours last night, though, so for that I am grateful.

He's very noisy, grunty, sneezy, farty, burpy, etc.  I guess that's because he's a boy.  I told him the other day I was going to nickname him "Hershey."  He is pretty messy on both the intake and outtake ends.  It's a rare day that he and I don't both have to change clothes.  Oh well.  We'll keep him!

Here's to the rest of a great summer!

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