19 June 2012

Oh dread, Part 1

We decided to toilet train Molly.  It is not going very well and is extremely frustrating.  You can stop reading there or if you would like to continue reading and comment with suggestions, I am open for any.  I probably shouldn't post stuff like this, but I am so frustrated that perhaps writing it down will help me re-evaluate what we are doing.

I read a ton online before beginning and I've read a ton more in the few moments I've had to spare during the last 2 days.  I thought I was prepared, that Molly was ready, and that things would go fairly smoothly.  Boy, was I ever wrong.

We've tried stickers, coloring, swedish fish rewards, reading books, dancing, singing songs, playing on the ipod, squirting water with a water bottle, blowing out matches, sucking on a binker with a blanket cape around her shoulder, setting the timer and "trying" every time it went off, and even shaking maracas while singing, "Molly pee-pees in the toilet, then we go outside . . ."

What's the problem?  She won't go.

Yesterday we earned 2 stickers on the sticker chart.  One was a for a few dribbles and the other was when she just couldn't hold it any longer.  We also had a few accidents.  Today we doubled that and earned 4 stickers on the sticker chart.  We had no accidents after around 8:30 this morning.  She started out more than happy to cooperate, sit on the toilet, and do all the fun things mentioned above . . .  until she actually needed to go.  She doesn't want anything to do with the toilet at that point and we end up with a screaming, overly dramatic 2 year old, crying and snotting herself into ridculousness while mom ends up holding her legs down until she finally lets go.  Once it its all done, she says, "I did it," gets a glimmer of excitement, and mom dances around like a crazy person to try to show her how cool that just was.

Unfortunately as the day wore on, the willingness to try and the fun stuff wore off.  We were in a major power struggle and sitting on the toilet was becoming a nightmare.  After many tears and gaseous sounds and smells from the 2 year old, I realized that perhaps the problem with the #1 was that a #2 was necessary as well.  We focused on that for a while and changed the lyrics to our maraca song.  It just got worse . . . we quit.  I failed.  We put a diaper on.

After about 2 hours, Molly finally relaxed, played around for a while, did her business, and quickly came and told me.  We took care of the diaper and put the big girl pants back on.  At first I asked her, "Do you want a diaper back on or big girl pants?"  She said,"put diaper on."  I said, "no. you'll wear big girl pants."   I was ready to give up completely, but then had the thought that since the #2 was taken care of momentarily, tomorrow might end up being more successful with #1.  She didn't argue and is wearing the big girl pants again.

She's asleep now.  She'll likely wake up dry (or to be cautious, I will wake her up before she has a chance to chill on her bed), which she has done for months.  In the morning we'll start again.

My mom and my sister are probably sick of me calling them and asking for help.  It has pretty much been the longest and most stressful 2 days of my life up to this point.  Big sigh.  I'm serious.  I thought I knew was stress and frustration were.  Wish us luck tomorrow.


Melanie said...

I feel your pain. Hyrum wasn't the easiest, we tried the weekend, make it a party type thing and that certainly didn't work. It was a long hard process, saying no to pull-ups when we went out and expecting accidents helped a bit, but it was weeks, if not months before it seemed to click. Good luck! I don't have any suggestions other than what you've seen on the internet, I'm sure.

Sparker said...

Congratulations on your little boy! I've been meaning to post my excitement for you guys for a while, but always seem to be in a hurry.

I've never potty trained a child, but I have a few people I know who swear but the $150 method. They said that you do all the things you're already doing, but there are no more diapers--ever. You sit them down and tell them this then tell them if they have an accident they have to clean it up. And you do just that, make them "clean up" any accidents them have (wipe up the carpet, put their clothes in the laundry, etc.). The people who swear by this say it only takes a few days until they would rather go in the potty then have to clean it up. It's called the $150 method because you get the carpets cleaned once they finally catch on since a toddle is no good at cleaning. Just an idea that seems to work for others, like I said, I've never potty trained a child. Good luck!

Brooke Imlay Scheurer said...

Maybe give it a rest for a month or two?
The first time I tried to potty-train Reagan she was very resistant. So, I let it go for a month.
It also helped that I got lucky and found her "currency". After trying many rewards that didn't work, Reagan went crazy for Chocolate Easter eggs.
When she wanted to train I'd take her to the potty every 20 minutes.

And, up until 6 months ago Reagan was deathly afraid of going #2 in the toilet.
That was frustrating.

Relax. Molly won't go to kindergarten wearing diapers.