14 June 2012

2 Weeks Old

Today, Jack turned 2 weeks old.  We headed to the doctor for a check up and here are Jack's stats:

Height: 21 inches - 63% (he either didn't grow any in 2 weeks or someone - doctor's office or hospital - measured him wrong)
Weight: 8 pounds 12 ounces - 51% (he's gained 7 ounces since birth)
Head: 14.5 inches - 44% (his head is definitely smaller than Molly's was in those comparison photos and her head always measured small)

What else is there to report?
His heart, lungs, ears, etc. all look great.  The only negative thing Dr. Havlik mentioned is that his head is not symmetrical when looking down on it from the top.  Jack definitely favors leaning his head to the left, so we need to make sure we are forcing him to the right as well.  I've been trying to rotate his head every time I put him down to sleep, but perhaps we need to stay more tot he right for a while.

Dr. Havlik is also concerned about Molly and wondered how she was coping with Jack.  I think she genuinely likes Jack, but is definitely a little stressed about the new situation and has had some beauty temper tantrums lately over nothing.  Oh well.  We'll figure it out, I guess.

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