17 March 2016

Indoor Soccer

I signed the kids up for indoor soccer at the Kearns Rec Center.  I am "coaching" Molly's team and helping out with Jack's team ("coaching" about half of the games when the other coach can't be there).  I don't understand soccer.  My kids aren't super into it.  Why do I do things like this?

I do things like this because 1) I like sports and I'd like my kids to like sports, 2) it is good to learn to follow directions, take turns, and play on a team, and 3) it is good to have new experiences and try different things that may be out of your comfort zone.

On Wednesday night's game I may have offered Molly $1 if she stopped holding on to me and actually kicked the ball.  She did.  She liked it.  She played with some actual enthusiasm for the 2nd half.  It was $1 well spent.

1 comment:

Brooke Imlay Scheurer said...

This is awesome.
I've signed Reagan up for soccer (it begins in two weeks); and I may very well steal this idea from you!