31 July 2013

Temple Conversation

Today as we were leaving Temple Square, a group of 4 (probably 60-something) men were talking to a guy in a suit (probably a church employee or just a Mormon guy working downtown and crossing through Temple Square on his lunch break).  One of the 4 men was wearing a Louisiana t-shirt, another a NYC t-shirt, and a third had a fanny pack.  They were tourists, I assume.

4 Men:  How do we get in there?
Suit Man:  You can walk around it, but you have to have a recommend to get in.  You get a recommend from your ecclesiastical leader.
4 Men:  But we want to know what's on the inside.
Suit Man:  Go over to that visitor's center and they have a model of the temple that shows you everything that's inside.
4 Men:  Cool.  Thanks.
Suit Man: [walks away]
4 Men:  Hey, why don't we just walk up to the door and tell them we have the recommend . . .  I'll say, "I recommend you and I recommend you. You [pointing at the 4th guy] say you are the ecclesiastical leader and you can recommend all of us." [men walk towards the visitor center laughing].

It sounds dumb now that I wrote it down, but it was funny.

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