04 September 2012

Labor Day

My sister labored on the Sunday before Labor Day to bring us Quinn and to celebrate this favorite holiday.  (She actually had a c-section, but that doesn't discount her laborious recovery and laborious raising of 3 boys, but I digress . . . )

We had a great Labor Day.  We took our new car for a ride to see how it handled hills.  We did the Alpine Loop up American Fork Canyon and connecting to Provo Canyon.  We then drove to Heber City and back home through Parley's Canyon.  The car is nice.  No more put-put and tapping the car on the dashboard to get it to go up the hills.  Plus, we get to plug in our iPod and that is kind of fun.

We saw a few pretty autumn leaves and some other scenery.  It was crowded, though, with all of the other Labor Day city slickers going for a drive.

We ate lunch at Granny's Drive-In in Heber, made a pit-stop at the Days Grocery Store because we are stupid and didn't take a diaper bag, then headed home.

James mowed the lawn while we chilled and I found an episode of "Hoarders" on Netflix.

We headed to my Grandpa's house for an end-of-summer BBQ and swimming.  I think everyone had fun and drank plenty of root beer.  And, thank you to cousin Natalie for rescuing the chair I let fall in the pool.

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