07 January 2012

Happy New Year!

I need to take a chill pill. I was told this by my sister yesterday. She said I was a super grump and was rude. I was kind of mad, but she may be right. Last night I sort of freaked out at a Hunter basketball game. I hate cheap shots that refs don't call, but I probably shouldn't have screamed. I hope no one has a video because I don't really want to see it. Today, we were at a Utes game and I told James he needed to unzip his coat a little. My mom told me to stop being so bossy. I'll try. I guess I'm just a little on edge. I don't like new years resolutions. They are dumb. If you're going to change a behavior, just try to change it. Don't wait until January. Perhaps, though, I should set a goal. Being more patient and less ornery is my goal for the near future. Sigh.

I think I am a very patient, understanding, and nice to the point of being a total pushover at school. I must run out of patient energy by the time I get home. However, with that said, I guess I'm even a bit difficult at school lately. I sent an e-mail to a colleague the other day. I didn't think it was rude, but I was sternly asking for some clarification because he continually forgets to inform me of things going on and then I'm left in the dark. Another teacher e-mailed me back with some of the information I had requested. I spoke with her later that day and said thanks for the e-mail. I also said, "I e-mailed [so and so], but he never responded." She said, "Ya, he came to me and told me to send you the things you needed because he thinks you are mad at him."

Ok. I give up. I'll try to improve.

1 comment:

japetersen said...

Don't worry so much about pleasing everyone -- just be you! You are a pretty good you, too! It's ok if people give you a bad time --