09 June 2010


My cousin Peter is in France! He posted this picture. Can you read it? It says "Peter Stoker 05." Do you see underneath it? It says "HQP." That's me!

Peter and I went to France a few years ago. It was in 2005. I was still at Tooele Junior High and hadn't even met James yet. It was a good trip.

Something about a having a child has done a doozy on my brain, though, and I can only vaguely remember doing this, but Peter has been talking about it ever since he got accepted into this study abroad experience. He's told me that he was going to go back to the chateau - Chenanceau - where a bunch of us carved our names into something. I don't even remember what that something is that we defaced. Sorry. He wondered if our names would still be there. Lo and behold . . . photographic proof.

Chenanceau was probably the most elegant chateau that we visited. It was built over a river and is surrounded by a beautiful garden. There may have been lizards running along all of the walls here. Also, there may have been a little french girl using the facility (the lawn) here. I do remember that this particular chateau was used as a hospital during both world wars.

Somewhere at my mom's house is a fairly detailed journal of the trip we took. I need to find it and jog my sketchy memory.

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