22 April 2009

Time for a new post.

It's no longer Easter. It's time for a new post.
  • I found out last week that I DO have a job at Murray High School next year. Phew! At the moment, I will be teaching Algebra B, Algebra 2, and Credit Recovery (although that is still sort of subject to change). But, what will not change is that there is enough math sectionsto keep me there regardless of whether the teacher I replaced for 1 year comes back or not.
  • James spent his last clinical day for the semester at the IMC today. He only has one week of class left and then finals. Plus, he has no school this summer. Yeah!!
  • We are going on a "Cousing Camp" to Washington, DC in June. There are 14 of us going for 4 days. We are way excited!!
  • I had a painful Stake Primary meeting last night that went on for 2 hours and 15 minutes. Ug! It was not fun. I know that I should support my stake leaders and I do. If they asked me to do something, I'd do it, but come on . . . a 2 hour + meeting? Give me a break.
  • Willie threw the "put" today. He said he did well, but I kind of missed it. I was there, but when I thought they were just practicing, I guess he was really throwing. Oops. Sorry Willie! I will pay more attention next time.
  • Piano/Guitar recital coming up soon. Everyone gets 2 more lessons before it comes. I hope they keep practicing and are all ready! I have 3 kindergartners at the moment who have never done anything like this before. I think we're all a little worried, but I'm sure it will go ok.
  • 31 days of school left!!!


Staples said...

YAY i CANNOT WAIT FOR DC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Annie said...

I didn't know about your job - yeah.

Is james interested in a very part time summer job - shlepping ice?

fivewoods said...

Congrats on the job......Long Stake Meetings are not good.....

mad dog said...

I'm glad you have the job!