03 March 2009

Students Say the Darndest Things

Conversation of the day:

Student: How long is 25 to life?
Me: Um . . . 25 years . . . or longer.
Student: Dang! I thought it was like 2 years.
Me: Why are you asking?
Student: My cousin just got that.
Me: What did he do?
Student: Attempted murder . . . or maybe murder . . . something like that.

Other thoughts:

I have a student with some very interesting special needs. He's a good kid, but a little wacky . . . ok, maybe a lot wacky. A colleague of mine sees him a few class periods after I do. When he is on one, I usually warn her. Today he was fine in my class, though, so there was nothing to warn about. Here is an e-mail she sent me this afternoon.

"Where was my early warning service today? :)

At this point in class he has undressed himself, twice, and turned his shirt inside out. He also declared to the class that the movie The Forty-Year Old Virgin is his destiny and wailed that, "I am lonely! Oh so very lonely!" He has offered hugs to each and every person to walk into the room (the poor counseling aide was so confused), and sang commercials while we took the vocabulary quiz. Oh boy - one more hour to go. :)"

1 comment:

japetersen said...

Your tudents are tupid --