07 April 2013

Joshua Tree National Park

I love National Parks.  This one, however, we could have skipped.  It's in the desert and the scenery is very desert like and there is really not much else to look at besides brown desert.  The road was under construction through most of the park and we had to wait a long time then follow a pace car.  At least it is another National Park visited (for the record books, of which there are none).

This flag represents the only color we would see for miles and miles (except for blue and brown).

Desert.  Isn't it beautiful!?!

Look, more desert.

We saw some big rocks.  Molly her first experience with an out house (hole in the ground with a toilet seat) near these rocks.  She was a little weirded out and totally obsessed with the fact that there was no sink in the bathroom.  She went, though, and use some "hanitizer" when she finished.

Look, an actual Joshua Tree.

And then a few more of them.  

Molly really was good on this long day in the car, but after a while she unbuckled herself and I just didn't have the heart to buckle her back into her seat.  We settled for the middle of the back seat with a seat belt around her middle.  I figured if people survived cars for 100 years without car seats, she would certainly survive for a few hours.

**Side notes:
* I am slightly disappointed that we didn't stop at the General Patton Museum in the middle of nowhere.  It may have been interesting and I highly doubt I will ever return to this part of the world.
*Also, we drove through Palm Springs and it looks like a super yuppyish weird town with lots of strange clothing stores, middle aged people with sweaters tied around their shoulders and loafers on their feet 

1 comment:

Annie said...

Did you ever hook up the dvd player and let her watch a movie or 10?