29 December 2013

New Sunday Clothes

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas!  I love Christmas time and the build up to it is absolutely my favorite time of year.  Molly and Jack are both old enough to realize the excitement and we just had a fun Christmas season and a fun day.  Here are a few highlights that did not get their own blog posts:

  • Petersen Family Party - This was hosted by my mom this year and my sister made her slowly-becoming-famous-knock-off-Waffle-Love-Truck Liege waffles. This is the second time I have had them and they are delicious.
  • Huber Progressive Party - This was hosted by my aunt Jackie and then my Uncle Johnny.  We went to Jackie's and had 24-hour roast and delicious potatoes.  We were only at John's a few minutes because we were all headed to a wedding reception for my mom's neighbor, Arlee Heslop.
  • Sock Shopping - Since even before my Grandma died, I got to help with the sock shopping. The last few years, my Grandpa has decided to carry on the tradition and let Annie and I be in charge.  We went together this year (with Willie, too) and knocked out all of the sock purchases in one night.  It took us a few more days to get them all wrapped and delivered to Grandpa's house, but it is always a fun socky time.
  • Driving Around to See Lights - After the kids' Christmas Program, we decided to drive around a look a cool Christmas lights houses.  Molly and Jack were pretty impressed!
  • Christmas Eve - We had our Christmas Eve celebration and dinner at my Grandpa's house.  The food is always turkey dinner.  Willie re-invented the family band and we played two songs.  I don't think anyone cared, but it was fun.
  • Post Christmas Judy/Karl Family adventure - We went to eat breakfast on the Saturday after Christmas.  Then we went to see the Dinosaur Movie.  Jack sort of stayed put for part of the movie, then he and I hung out in the hall.
Christmas Day!
We started our day pretty early.  We had to wake up the kids.  We opened all our Santa Clause gifts and gifts to each other, then loaded up the car and headed north.  We were at James' parents until later in the afternoon, then a 5 minute pit stop at home, then my parents, then my Grandpa's.  The kids were pretty good all day.  We are very appreciative of the gifts everyone gave us and hopefully someone out there liked something we gave them.

Merry Christmas!

27 December 2013

Binggeli chtistmas light adventure

On the Monday before Christmas, all of the Binggeli clan but Annie's family was able to meet in town to see the lights. We ate at the city Creek food Court and then walked around Temple square. It was super crowded but a fun night.

Molly and jack were good. They had plenty of people to help carry and chase after them.  Jack rode in the wheelchair Grandpa brought for a little while.  He ran sprints in front of the church office building and we nearly lost him a couple of times.  Molly made Colton carry her most of the night, but he was a good sport. Jack laughed hysterically every time he touched Jason's beard and a few swallows of my Coke gave him enough energy for his extreme animal sounds to entertain everyone. 

We also learned tonight that James' youngest sister Amber and her husband Colton are expecting a baby in May, so that was pretty exciting news.

Christmas program

On Wednesday, December 18th, Molly and Jack had their annual Christmas program at school.  Jack's part was to do the actions to "Once there was a snowman," but he was so distracted by Santa sitting in the corner watching the kids that all he could do was point and say, "ho, ho, ho" during his song.  It's ok.  It was still cute.

Molly did an excellent job singing all the songs and sitting still during the program.  She had her part down perfectly beforehand, but when it came her turn for the microphone, she could only manage a few words at a time and had to turn to Ms. Sarah for help.

Grandma & Grandpa Binggeli were able to come down.  My mom came as well as my sister's family.  All the kids got to sit on Santa's lap afterwards (and we got to enjoy the delicious Banbury Cross donuts for dessert).

Hermana Meranda

Meranda came home the night of Thursday, December 19th from her mission to Ascuncion Paraguay. The airport was absolutely insane after a day of closures due to snow and ice. Meranda boarded her first plane at 2:30 in the morning Paraguay time, and finally made it to us around midnight, Salt Lake time.  

She looked great! It was fun to see her!  We have since had a chance to see her on Christmas Eve and for a few minutes Christmas Day!  The kids immediately love her.  We missed her but are grateful for choosing to serve and are grateful for her safe return home.

17 December 2013

1st Dance Recital

Molly's first dance recital was on Saturday. She was having emotional struggles all day. I was super nervous that she was going to have a melt down, run off the stage screaming, etc. But, she did great!  She was really nervous, but when the rest of the girls went out on stage, she went right out with them and did what she was supposed to do. 

Side note . . . Molly was super tired and did have a bit of a melt down before the finale, but she pulled it together, looked cute and waved with her class. Of course as soon as the finale was over, the meltdown continued until she feel asleep in the car.

Glad that is over. We know a little bit more what to expect for the next one. 

11 December 2013

Jack - 18 months

Jack, Molly, and I went to Jack's 18-month appointment with Dr. Havlik on Friday afternoon.  Here are his stats:

Age: 18 months
Weight: 26.3 lbs (57%)
Height: 34.5 inches (96%)
Head: 48.5 cm (71%)

Overall measurements indicate that in the last 18 months Jack has gotten taller and thinner from his earlier measurements. He eats a lot and is still gaining weight, but I think he just moves around so much that the extra height isn't equating itself in weight.  He's healthy though!

He is constantly stuffy, but his lungs are good.  His heart, ears . . . everything else is good, too.  Oh, Dr. Havlik did say there was a canker in his mouth.  I don't know how long it has been there, but could explain why his fingers are always in his mouth.

As far as developmental things, he's right on target.  I worry that he doesn't talk as well as Molly did at that age, but the requirement is 5 words and I think Jack can do that.  He can say . . . Mama, Dad, Moll-me, hot, owie, uh-oh, up, bus, tanks (thanks), there, hi, bye . . . I think that's about it.  He also consistently does the signs for "more" and "please" and "all done" as well as doing an excellent job at pointing and grunting.

Other things worth noting . . .

Can he run?  Yes.
Can he walk backwards? Yes.
Can he walk up or down stairs holding your hand? Yes.
Can he grab something with a pincer grasp?  Yes.
Can he pass something from one hand to the other?  Yes.
Can he point to something he wants? Yes.
Is he autistic? No (according to a survey we took).

Jack is super active.  What he lacks in verbal skills, he makes up for in physical abilities.  In this way he is quite opposite his sister (at least at the same age).  He is super friendly.  He likes to say "
hi" and "bye" to everyone.  He is an excellent dancer.  He is superb at all things animal sounds.  He gets way excited when he sees a bus or big truck driving down the road.  He inherently knows the sound of all moving things - busses, planes, helicopters, etc.  He gives good hugs and kisses.  He blows kisses at girls.

He still has cute dimples.  He loves French fries.  He still drinks a bottle at night (which he probably shouldn't) because it's the only way I get to hold him for a minute while he is actually sitting still.  he has decent rhythm and pretty good throwing skills.  He is starting to sit still and look at books a little bit more, but he doesn't like to sit on your lap and have a book read to him.

That's enough for now.  I love you, Jack!



James was supposed to work on Thanksgiving. He ended up not having to, but since we didn't know that, we just planned to stay close to home for the day. That meant we got to go to my grandpa's house! I don't remember the last time we went to thanksgiving there. It was great.
My mom's entire family was in attendance except for a few - uncle Eddie and his family, my cousin Melinda's husband who had to work, Meranda on a mission, and cousin Eddie who moved to Hawaii.  There were around 50 people squished into the hallways, living room, kitchen, etc. at my grandpa's house. It was super tight quarters but was great!
Kids listening to Annie give craft directions after dinner.
Kids running around outside. 
Uncle Evan (on his birthday) at the buffet before anyone started eating.
Everyone waiting in line to eat.

Table settings before the festivities.

05 December 2013

Failed Attempts at a Christmas Photo

We did get a couple of good photos during our Thanksgiving photo shoot.  However, my favorites are the ones that will not be sent out!

01 December 2013

Sibling-a-go-go part 2

So Saturday of our sibling adventure went like this . . .

Breakfast was eaten at a good little dive called the Sugar Shack. It was a recommendation from a friend of Annie's who used to live in Huntington Beach. I had pancakes and potatoes. Good!

We ventured to some stores, bought a few prizes then back to our room to get our beach supplies (really just chairs and a couple other things).

We hung out on the beach for a few hours. The weather was perfect. The sand was soft. The water was cold. Annie and Willie found some cool shells. There was some good people watching.

When we had had enough sun, we went back to the room, refreshed ourselves, and headed to our other Southern California favorite . . . Disneyland!  Of course there was no way we were going to the park without the rest of our family, but we walked around downtown Disney and bought some more prizes and did some more people watching.  Willie and I did go through the security bag check line to go to the actual entrances of the parks and looked at the cool Christmas decor.

Next, back to the beach we went. Annie wanted to see the sunset, but we may have missed it. Once at the Ocean, it's last remains were visible so we did a quick stop for a sunset photo.

Back at home base, the goal was Ruby's diner at the end of the Huntington Beach pier. We all ordered milkshakes (which come before your meal) and then ate more deliciousness. We were laughing so hard at who knows what that Willie and I couldn't breathe. It was fun!

We went to a CVS for chocolate milk and snacks for the road the next day. I accidentally bought the milk with extra protein and the distilled water with extra electrolytes.  (I took a water bottle with me to try to be more environmentally friendly but I left it in the valeted car and it tasted like dish soap anyway).

We headed out early Sunday morning and hit some slow downs in Nevada but otherwise are making good time. It has been a great trip! I am grateful for such a close relationship with my siblings and that we can always make each other laugh.  My aunt Jackie told Annie that we would probably just fight the whole time. No way!  It was great.

I am grateful for a supportive husband who may not have wanted me to come, but didn't say anything other than, "Go. That's fine." I am grateful for my chilluns. I have missed them (and James, too)!

I am grateful for my parents, not only because they tended my kids for a good portion of this weekend, but because they must have done something right in raising us.

The end!