14 October 2012

Brotherly-Sisterly Love

A week or so ago, I took pictures of Jack and Molly lounging around on a Saturday or Sunday morning
(Don't worry about the bandaid.  The big sister just put it there.)

So I put Jack in the Bumbo on the kitchen counter while I was cleaning up dinner the other day.  The doorbell rang and some Cub Scout was selling pies.  While buying a pie, I thought "I probably shouldn't leave Jack on the counter.  He'll fall off."  He didn't, thank goodness, but after I moved him to the floor, he nearly leaned himself out of the Bumbo and very well could have done the same thing on the counter and fallen.  Phew.

Being on the floor welcomed its own set of challenges, though.  The big sister attacked.  She gave him the step stool as his "table" so he could "eat his dinner."  "Num, num, num Jack.  Eat your dinner," as she shoved bottle nipples in his mouth.  Next thing I know she is emptying the dish towel drawer and putting them on his head.  Why?  Who knows.  Sigh.  Sorry, Jack, she's crazy!

Today James brought up the walker from downstairs and put Jack in it.  I think he's a little small for it and his feat were dangling, but he was in heaven and loved the new found position to see the world.  Molly had to join him, of course.  She was sporting her "car" that she made during Transportation Week at school.  As you can see, she painted it herself (but she must have had help attaching the head lights).


Brooke Imlay Scheurer said...

I was going to comment on your blog, even before I scrolled down and saw the post below this one. Your kids are downright gorgeous/handsome. I wish you lived closer so they could be friends with my kids.
And I'm especially glad that you like the baby bjorn. Cohen is nearly a year old and I still put him in it.

Melanie said...

I LOVE seeing my kids play together! It usually only lasts 3 or 4 minutes before someone starts crying, but they're a good 3 or 4 minutes.