10 September 2011

Friday Nights

Friday night Hunter played a game against Davis on Weber State's field. It was a late start 8:00 p.m. game and then lasted forever. The first quarter took almost a whole hour and Davis outscored Hunter 28-0. After that, it did speed up a little and Hunter finally scored twice in the 4th, with failed PAT's, but ended at a more respectable 28-12.

To overcome that last three losses, the coaches switched things up quite a bit this week. The two big defensive players are now playing both ways and the former left tackle (Willie) is now back at his former little league position, center. My mom said he was super nervous switching spots, but he did a good job last night.

Hunter is really struggling this year. I don't know that much about football. I can't dissect it and tell the coaches and players (through the internet, of course) what to do like I can with a basketball game. They have a new coach and Willie seems to be having a lot more fun playing than he ever has before. It seems to be a real positive experience. The coach seems gutsy and very disciplined, which I admire. A head-case kid is suspended. Players who are tardy to class do extra up-downs and stadiums. Last week when the seniors weren't cutting it, he put in more sophomores and even a few freshmen. It seems like the program is going in the right direction and positive things are happening. As a teacher, I like that. As a sister of a good kid who's on the team, I like that. Now I just wish they could score some more and win one. . . . I think it will come.

Whatever the outcome, Molly sure looks cute in her new Hunter shirt (made by her crafty Aunt Annie, of course)!

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