12 August 2011

Molly Can Hold Still

Molly rarely holds still, not even in her sleep. She is constantly moving. Here is an example of how she spends most of her day. She is constantly picking things up and dropping them in new locations, adding to (and creating much of) the messiness of our house. Her little legs must be tired at the end of the day with all the walking around she does.

I not only apologize for the lack of tidiness in my house, but also for the terrible choice of music. Molly is capable of taking the alarm clock off the nightstand, turning it on and off, and moving the dial. She picked Cozy 106.5 the other day.

She does sit momentarily in this next video.

This summer, however, we have discovered a few favorite Sesame Street videos on youtube that have stopped Molly in her tracks. We watch them over and over again. I was able to catch her on video a few times while watching some of her favorites. Here is an example.

But, alas, nothing lasts forever . . . not even holding still during your favorite videos.

1 comment:

Brooke Imlay Scheurer said...

Awesome. And just wait... It only gets worse.