07 November 2010


Tonight during Sunday dinner, Annie was asking us to help her brainstorm ideas that she could post on her blog since it is Noproblempomo Month. Unfortunately Willie came up with a few stories that didn't involve his Sister Golden Hair, but only his Sister in Zion (me!), so maybe I should blog them. However, as I sit to do that . . . . I don't really remember them all. Oh well.

  • Haley Swears at the Bacon - One day I was cooking bacon for Willie in the microwave. Something went wrong and the plate was extraordinarily hot and when I grabbed it I burned my thumb really bad. I think I said the Hoover Dam word and Willie has never let me forget it. (A similar incident happened the other morning with my toe, but I resisted.)
  • The Responsibility Fort - When Willie had bunk beds and we still lived at Mildred, he and I built a blanket fort on the bottom bunk (I think he was probably 3 or 4). When we went to get the parentals to show them our masterpiece, they asked, "Willie what is this?" He replied, "It's a big responsibilty."
  • Yellowstone Pickle Puke - I thought for sure that Annie was with us on this one, but it must have been just after she got married. We rented a van and took Grandma Petersen with us to Yellowstone. I shared a room with Grandma and she was embarrassed because she forgot her robe. Whatever. I was a dork and forgot my PJ's, so we traded down the line. My dad wore his regular mormon pajamas, my mom wore my dad's, and I wore my mom's. I think I also forgot my toothbrush that trip (no, I don't think we traded for that one). I also remember Grandma telling me in the morning that I must have a cold and be really congested. No Grandma, I think I just snore. Sorry. Anyway, we went to eat at Trapper's Restaurant in West Yellowstone. Willie got french fries, but you know how sometimes restaurants will garnish a plate with a pickle slice, well they did. The pickle was, of course, long taken off his plate, but he ate a fry at some point during the meal and it was tainted with "pickle juice." Willie gagged and puked. My mom caught it in her hand/napkin/who-knows-what and Grandma told her, "Nice catch!"
  • Bob the Dog Goes in the Toilet - One day Willie and I went to the zoo. It was in the winter, the animals were all indoors, and we were bundled up. He was just little and needed to go to the bathroom. We hurried to the bathroom near the elephants and monkey house. I set my favorite soft brown mittens on the back of the toilet while I helped him. We called those mittens "Bob the Dog" from Mr. Rogers. (Why? Because we are strange.) Somehow in the course of Willie using the bathroom and being excited to flush, he threw my favorite mittens in the toilet. I know he didn't do it on purpose, but I don't remember how it happened. They were too fluffy to go down the toilet, so I hurried and grabbed them out of the bowl. They were soaked, though, and I didn't know what to do with them. So, Willie and I threw them in the trash. Oh well.
That's all I can think of right now.

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