24 March 2010


I know my blog is boring. In a month or so, I'll fill it with pictures of a little baby, but until then, I'm going to continue to bore whoever is reading this.

I like to write editorials. I used to write them to the newspaper. The first one I remember well because I was in high school and it caused a bit of a stir. The others (2 or 3), I had kind of forgotten about until my Grandma Petersen passed away and we found that she had carefully clipped them all from the newspaper and saved them in a manila envelope.

I would like to write a political editorial about health care, but honestly, I feel like I need to study a bit first. I'm not sure what's really in the new health care document that President Obama signed this week. I feel like I haven't done my homework like I should and therefore I am suspending opinion until I have accomplished further research.

That said, however, I do think the process of coming to an end (relatively speaking) of this health care debate has been, well, healthy. I like the fact that there are so many opinions out there and that congress has been debating it for months upon months. It has been very partisan, but at least the people in the Capitol are arguing. Isn't that the point of our two party system - argue and compromise to find the best solution for the public? Too bad there wasn't this much debate when we decided to go to war with Iraq. It may have saved lives, deficits, and bad decisions. I'm sure you'll all be patiently awaiting my blog-dissertation on health care, coming to a Bing Blog near you!