01 June 2009


At the end of each school year I like to give my students these little evaluations forms to see what they thought about my class. Here are a few of the more interesting comments from some of my students. Yes, these are actual comments written on the evaluations. In my defense, most of the answers to the first question are something like, "the class was fun and I learned a lot." Most of the answers to the second question are something like, "less homework and let us sit with our friends." There are of course much more unique answers. Here are a few:

What were the best things about our class this year?
-- it was learnful and fun at the same time
-- I like watermelon.
-- I think our class worked well together. We didn't show our hatred towards each other.
-- That everyone understand how I feel when I fail a test.

If you could change or improve anything about our class, what would it be?
-- bring snacks
-- make the tests worthless
-- my foot is green
-- Billy
-- It would be cooler if Sammy wouldn't throw a fit like a 4-year-old girl
-- Less homework and I know you thinks thats stupid but yes there is alot of home work in this class!! But have a good summer :)
-- Change everybody's attitude they are all jerks except maybe 3 of them they need to grow up because maybe they dont want to go to college but I do!!
-- i would change my self to be a bater student
-- I don't think I would Note: I will do anything to get a 60% I will wash your car. anything I need to PASS.
-- Party all the time!!!

1 comment:

John said...

I know you thinks thats stupid... Priceless!