08 February 2009


Disclaimer 1: Please don't take offense. This is all in good, clean fun!

Disclaimer 2: No. We are not having kids. It would not be a wise thing for a school teacher and an unemployed student to do.

There seems to be a lot of pregnant people around lately (Annie, Melinda, Tara). Because of this, James and I have had a couple of recent conversations about baby names. If we were to stick with only family names when naming our children that we don't have, we would name the boy: Karl LaRon Binggeli. Doesn't that sound great? Or is LaRon Karl better?

Ok, we're kidding. We like both of our dad's a lot and they are both great men, but we're not so sure their names would be the best choice.

How about the girl? Well that's an easy decision. LaRonette Judith Binggeli. Isn't it a beautiful name?

And in other news . . .

Annie and Ross were pretty upset with me for posting the name Vladamir to my blog after they had confided that name with me. I'm really sorry, but I just felt like the blog world needed to know what the name of your future child is. Since the exploitation of little Vladie's name, they have since decided to change it. I promised them I would not reveal it here, but if I did, I would tell you that it reflects Annie and Ross' love of geography and is a state name that starts with an "N" and rhymes with "braska." (Ha. Ha. Ha. They'll never know I told.)

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