23 October 2007

Students say the darndest things (part 2 with a new title)

  • Call me "Wish" because of my nose.

  • Visualization: Walk down the long hallway. Hear a song. Near . . . far . . . wherever you are . .. What is that? You know you've heard it before. It sounds so familiar. My heart will go on . . . Oh, yes! You realize it's the Titanic song. Where is it coming from. Is someone showing the movie? It's getting louder. Oh, you see a large stereo in the hallway. Two girls are sitting on the floor. Suddenly their arms flitter up in the air and then change positions . . . it's the TSP - Tooele Sign Pride (our version of the Happy Hands Club). Breathtaking!


Anonymous said...

The students at your school are soooo weird!

Lauren said...

I so totally need to come to your school someday!

Staples said...

i dislike sign language

Anonymous said...

we always used to say there was sometjing in the water out there... because of the nukes and stuff... maybe we were right???

Anonymous said...

Sometimes the water is brown . . . but your mom was saying that Bear River's is also. - Haley