20 February 2013

One Fish, Two Fish, Dead Fish, A New Fish

Whytnee's family decorated the tables at the wedding reception with betta fish.  It was a little impractical for my taste, but definitely unique.  When I realized that there were fish centered on every table, I thought, "What are they going to do with all these fish?"  My question was answered at the end of the evening when Whtynee's mom asked if we wanted a fish.  We are kind of anti-pets at our house, so I had to think about it and decided to just ask Molly.  She, of course, said, "Yes," so we took home a fish.

We stopped at the Evil Wal-Empire on the way home to buy some fish food and we set it on our kitchen table.  On the ride home, Molly said to name it "Bobby," but then the next morning decided to name it "Bear," and then more specifically, "Panda Bear" or "Polar Bear."

It swam around all day Sunday, but on Monday morning it had burrowed into the blue rocks at the bottom of the vase.  I wiggled the vase a little and it came loose, slowly floating to the top.  Um . . .  it was dead.

I thought maybe we had fed it too much.  James thinks that in Molly's excitement Sunday morning she actually touched it when she put her finger in the vase and that killed it.  I don't know what happened, but it died.

We thought about it for a while and then decided to give the pet fish thing a try and go buy one.   The new one's name is also "Bear."  It's been alive for 2 whole days.

1 comment:

Nick, Brooke, Reagan, & Elsa said...

My kids have been asking for a pet lately too. Ugh.