03 February 2010

I feel old

So I am really boring, I know. All I have to blog about is basketball, stress, and school. Oh well. (In case you are wondering, Utah basketball is utterly terrible this year, and getting worse each game, I am still stressed, and school is school.)

Yesterday I got an e-mail. It was strange. It was from a girl who is in one of my online USU classes. She recognized my name and thought she'd contact me to see how I was doing in the class because she was struggling. She wondered if I had any suggestions. This class is an undergrad/grad class and I am taking it as an elective for my MEd program.

Given that, though, why would this random person in my class be asking me for help? . . . . because she is a former student of mine.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen. I am now enrolled in higher education courses with people I once taught as 8th graders. I know it's cliche to say, but this really makes me feel old.