14 September 2010

Molly - 4 Month Stats

We went to see Dr. Havlik today. I had to get a sub and then leave school for a bit. Of course I was happy to do that because Molly is my priority, but it was still strange. When I returned, the sub had told my students I was with my little girl at the doctor. So, I returned to, "Is your baby sick? What's wrong?"

Then, my favorite was, "Where is she now?"
"She's back at the day care," I said.
"How can you take your baby to a day care. You should be home with her."
"Well," I responded, "Someone has to teach you."
"Duh. We don't HAVE to do math. You can leave."

Anyway . . . on to Molly's stats . . .

Height: 26 5/8 inches - 99th percentile
Weight: 16 lbs 2 oz - 93rd percentile
Head: 16.2 in - 58th percentile (not sure why her head is still small, but at least it is staying proportional)

Other things of mention . . .
  • no heart murmur heard this time
  • slightly flat head, so we need to focus Molly's attention to her left side
  • 4 vaccinations in her thighs and 1 orally
  • developmentally she is doing all that she is supposed to do except "push-ups," since she hates to be on her tummy
  • time to try rice cereal
  • Dr. Havlik also said a small dimple on her chest is a third nipple. Interesting. Maybe I shouldn't mention that here, but oh well. I probably also shouldn't mention that her Uncle Willie has the same thing (which was also noticed by Dr. Havlik). Interesting. Dr. Havlik told me today that it happens in about 20% of people and he sometimes hesitates telling parents that because they are overly concerned even though it rarely proves to be a concern. He said that he thinks he might have a nipple obsession and that's why he always notices things like that. Interesting. I really don't care for the word "nipple" now that I just put it in that paragraph 17 times.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lol, your posts make me smile..I never thought the word nipple could be put in a paragraph 17 times..well done.lol