26 December 2012

Molly's Christmas Program

Molly did a great job in her school's Christmas program.  Her part was the very first line . . . "'T'was the night before Christmas and all through the house."  She'd been practicing it for quite some time and did a good job.

Molly has great people who love her and take care of her every day and she loves her two-year-old friends  Emily, Jude, and Westin (sitting next to her).  I'm very grateful for Spartan Station!

Crazy blue eyes waiting for the program to start

Molly waiting patiently for the other kids to finish their parts

After the program, Santa was waiting to let all of the kids sit on his lap.  Molly waited very cautiously for her turn and when that time finally arrived, this was her reaction.  Oh well.  Would we really have expected anything differently?

1 comment:

Brooke Imlay Scheurer said...

That Santa picture is great!
Also, I sent you a Christmas card, and it came back to me the day before Christmas. I don't have your new address, and I was just hoping that your mail was being forwarded. I guess it's not :)
So, if you want it, send me your brand-spankin'-new address and I'll stick it back in the mail. Or, you can wait until next year and I'll be sure to get you one.