28 March 2012

San Diego - Day 2

On Day 2 of our San Diego Adventure we went to Sea World.  We started out at the Sesame Street land and Molly love the Abby Ride (sort of like the the Disneyland Tea Cups).  She liked it so much she wanted to go again.  The only problem was she did NOT want to wait in line.  Waiting in line is extremely difficult for an almost 2 year old.

We went to several of the Sea World shows - The Sea Lions Live, Shamu, Elmo 4-D, and The Dolphins-Divers-and-Acrobats.  I think we saw just about everything else at Sea World.  Molly was most interested in the turtles and fish in tanks, the people in the Sea Lions show, and not really Shamu.  Shamu is not what I remember as a kid.  With no trainers being allowed in the water, the big whales are fascinating, but don't really do a whole lot.

The weather was beautiful until around 3-4 o'clock. The wind started to blow and then the rain came.  We headed back to the car.  Molly had been an angel, but was getting tired and frustrated.  She fell asleep in the stroller, then stayed asleep in the car.  We went for a drive.  We found San Diego State University, the stadium where the Chargers and the Aztecs play football, and the arena where the Aztecs play basketball (which looks like it was built inside an older outdoor stadium with concrete bleachers.

We stopped at the Mormon Battalion Museum.  It was interesting.  Molly was losing patience, but I kept giving her snacks and that bought us some good behavior.

We walked a block or 2 to a Mexican restaurant - the Coyote Cafe.  It was tasty.

 We headed back to our room.  Molly was pretty wound up and didn't want to go to sleep.  It was midnight before she finally was out.  Phew.  It was going to make for a long day on Day #3.

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