19 June 2011


Happy Father's Day today!

What I'm blogging about, though, is Molly's success at church today. For the first time (literally in her entire 1 year of going to church) we lasted an entire 3 hours (minus a few minutes) of church without interruption, without doing laps in the hall, without having to leave a class because of a screaming child.

I don't know what happened today, but she was just a super happy girl. I tried to think if we had done something different today than another Sunday, but I don't think so. She played on the floor or sat on my lap (mostly on the floor) for all of church. She ate her fishy crackers, read stories, played with her little magne-doodle, walked back and forth on the chairs or along the wall, and was just good! At one point, she crawled away from me and even went up to another lady in relief society, that lady picked her up and held her for a good minute before she wanted to get down. That has NEVER happened. Amazing!

Finally, during the closing song of relief society she'd had enough and started screaming. I wouldn't let her crawl away from me or tear the pages of the hymn book and that made her mad. I decided that she had been good long enough, so we left a few minutes early, before the song was finished and before the closing prayer.

That's my story. I hope she's starting a new trend and will be good like this EVERY week!

James had to work today. He was a little bummed because he's the only male nurse in his office and this was his weekend to work. Oh well. I think he survived. He's venting his frustrations with some "angry birds" right now anyway.

1 comment:

Annie said...

Yeah, Molly-wog. Wyatt made it through nursery all by himself yesterday. Maybe all the little farts and turning to happy church attitudes.