18 January 2011

Sick Baby!

Molly is sick. It started more than a week ago. James was in Beaver for guard duty and Molly woke up Sunday morning with an ear full of crusty goo. I was worried so I took her to Instacare. As I suspected, she had a ruptured ear drum. Yikes! The doctor said, "Didn't she scream bloody murder or anything like that?" I said "No. She actually slept well last night. The night before she woke up once crying, but she drank a bottle and went back to sleep." He gave her an antibiotic and some ear drops and we went to church. She'd been a little fussy off and on for the whole week, but nothing too extreme. This is the third time she's had ear infections and she really hasn't been too grumpy or fussy at all before now.

Fast forward to Friday. We only had a half day of students and then a few hours to finish our grades. I was sitting at my desk when the phone rang and it was the daycare. They said Molly was not her usual self and that something was wrong. I was planning to call her doctor and follow up with her ears on Monday, but I decided to do it on that Friday. I got an appointment and then went and got her. Unfortunately, I still had grades that needed to be completed by 3:00. Molly came with me up to my room and ate post-it notes and highlighters for a while, but was obviously not going to let me get my work done while not feeling well. Luckily James had a lighter day and so we called him and he was able to come rescue Molly so I could finish up at school. I met them at the doctor and he said Molly's lungs were clear and that she just had a bad cold on top of the ear infections. He switched antibiotics and said to stop using the drops because the ruptured ear drum had healed.

Unfortunately, Molly's sickness only has gone downhill from there. She keeps coughing up phlem and is just miserably uncomfortable. James and I are pretty sure she's got new teeth coming in on top of everything else. She doesn't want anything touching her mouth. She's cried more in the last 3-4 days than she has in the last 3-4 months. She wakes herself up at night coughing and she is just not a happy camper. Hopefully she gets better soon. The cough is still just a phlemmy cough and she doesn't seem to have any signs of RSV or something worse like that (knock on wood), but she is just not healthy at the moment and I'm not sure what to do.

Perhaps I should go stop catching up my blog and go to bed now. It's after midnight and she is asleep at the moment. Why am I still up? Who knows.

1 comment:

fivewoods said...

I hope she gets feeling better...nothing worse than a sick baby!