31 January 2009

Week in Review

I am glad that this week finally came to an end. It was a long one. Here are some of the highlights:
  • On Monday we had a meeting with our Superintendant to tell us no one is losing there job yet and we are going to try to ride out the remainder of this school year without too many "cuts." The bad news is that we all need to brace ourselves for next year.
  • Wednesday my mom invited me to go with her to the radio-style production of "The Great Tennessee Monkey Trial." It starred Ed Asner and John Heard. It was a good production, but an odd audience. Plus, Charles Darwin himself was there. My mom took a picture on her cell. Maybe she can post it some time.
  • Last night I volunteered to take tickets at the Murray v. Olympus basketball games and my mom's uncle Blaine showed up. His knee is great! He is great! And, he loved the snack bar pizza! He told me he follows the Olympus Girls basketball team. It was nice to see him. He gets around pretty well for an 80 year old.
  • Sean Green, of the Utah Men's Basketball team, also came to the game. I told him, "Good game this week." (See post below.) He grinned and said, "Thanks."
  • There were 2 high school students (plus one adult) who came to the game with definite smells of alcohol. There wasn't really anything I could do about it, though. I couldn't leave my ticket post and I knew there was no way I could have picked them out of a crowd later on. Oh well.
  • Today I found out that Pyrex definitely breaks. It is also highly intelligent and capable of jumping off the top of the stove when no one is near it. It is also capable of shattering into millions of little pieces all over the kitchen floor. (At least is was just a plain dish and not the cool "Binggeli" one my aunt gave us for a wedding gift.)
  • Tomorrow is the Super Bowl. Ross is excited since his team, the Cardinals, are in it. I am excited for . . . well actually I could care less about the Super Bowl.
  • Tomorrow is baby Hyrum's blessing. Grandma would have been excited to go, but will probably be there with us somehow. I miss her.
  • And in other news, Annie and Ross have selected a name for their new child, but are hesitant to share it with others, so I would like to do it now: Vladimir Periwinkle Howden


Annie said...

I miss grandma too. I've been thinking about her all day today.

I'm happy to know that someone else is, too.

Brooke Imlay Scheurer said...

Good call on urging everyone to get a flu shot. They last for an entire year. I always make sure to get mine.

PS- I (too,three) miss my Grandma.